Chimp & See Talk

Weather Conditions / Rain

  • jmkwon by jmkwon

    Would it be useful to tag weather conditions to the videos? At least whether it is raining or not?


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator


    I would tag the weather conditions ONLY when you are not really sure about what you are watching and the rain (for example) is the main cause of doubting. But I would be very happy to read some more opinions,



  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    Thats would be cool! any extra data is always going to be useful! #rain seems like a good idea! thanks!


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    It was raining in several 'nothing here' clips that I've viewed and I'm wondering if rain drops moving foliage can trigger the camera? If so wouldn't that be helpful to note?


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    You are totally right, rain triggers the cameras by moving foliage but since that is known better to just mark those videos as nothing here and move on. thanks!
