Chimp & See Talk

"Nothing Here"

  • Corcaroli by Corcaroli

    When a clip is found to have "Nothing Here," is it removed from the system or do they continue to show up?



  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @Corcaroli,

    Yes, an empty video will be retired earlier, but not immediately.

    The rules for video retirement at Chimp&See are the following:

    • three people classify as "nothing there" -> retirement
    • seven people agree on the species level -> retirement
    • 15 people have classified a video -> always retirement

    But, e.g. the blank classifications ("nothing there") needs to come in a row. If somebody in between these three classifications says that s/he sees a monkey. It's starting all over.

    I hope that explanation helps a bit! All the best to you and thanks for being here always!


  • Corcaroli by Corcaroli


    Thank you for responding so quickly. It's good to see that attention is being paid also to video's that have nothing on them. The rules seem very appropriate to me.


    Dick (Corcaroli)
