Chimp & See Talk

Feedback loops and engagement

  • CosimoMontagu by CosimoMontagu

    Something for the Chimp & See team and for wider consideration:

    Just wondering how you are going to feedback on how the project is going to contributors? Gratifying knowing that helping with this citizen science project, but would be great to be get some live updates on progress: how identification is going, stats (number of types of animal noted, top behaviours), videos the scientists have found particular helpful. Have you considered a progress bar of the data analysis? This was something they did on Missing Maps (percentage of city mapped, validated etc), and again was very good feedback.

    All this great feedback for participants and very motivating to continue work on the project. Keeps people engaged!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Well, I will be here every weekday, and the science team will also have to be here all the time to curate the individual-chimp ID, so we will be very much available to respond to questions!

    The team is planning to post some updates and info at their blog, too: ... be sure to check that out!

    We may set up a progress bar eventually, or at least a completion percentage... we have a percentage on many other projects.

    Thanks for the feedback!!


  • fengist by fengist

    I will say this. After already viewing over 1,000 of these clips, my compliments to whoever figured out the motion detection that pulled those 15sec clips out of the longer videos. I can see a valid reason for over 90% of them to be reviewed. If I'm going to spend hours of my time volunteering for a project like this, I'd prefer that I at least feel like I'm taking part in the discovery. Having something interesting on almost every clip definitely qualifies.

    Thanks for making it worth my time.

    And this video is exactly what I'm referring to. Had I not taken the time to view it all, I never would have realized why it was selected. I'm watching all of them now:

    Hint: If you don't spot it, watch the right hand side of the video.


  • fengist by fengist

    And you guys desperately need a way to easily place videos and/or images into the discussion boards. As it is now, it's taking 3 - 4 open tabs to do that.


  • CosimoMontagu by CosimoMontagu in response to DZM's comment.

    Thanks for coming back DZM! Good to see your responding to participants actively, very important part of the feedback loop.

    From past involvement in project's I'd definitely recommend thinking of ways to report progress outside of answering questions and posting it up on the blog. If you can get some capacity to put together an (infrequent) email update, or build the progress bar - I've no doubt it will help keep people plugging through those vids and coming back for more!


  • DZM by DZM admin in response to fengist's comment.

    We know. Unfortunately, there's just no way with this version of Talk to do inline videos. 😦 I tried to get a dev to build it before launch, but it was too major an endeavor. It will DEFINITELY happen in the next version of Talk!

    I did manage to get the image-resizing protocol done so that images can be conveniently posted inline, which is a fantastic help, of course! (More on that here: )


  • urbansonnet by urbansonnet

    Hello there. I don't want to be a spoil-sport (I think the project is awesome and I enjoy taking part in it), but right now I'm a bit unhappy with the feedback situation from the scientist team. It feels like the number of posts of the team piles up to a bare minimum of engagement with the participants side of the project and it's not exactly a motivation when questions and contributions go by unanswered for days. I don't know what to make of it. Don't you need any more help on the videos or IDing the animals? After all you asked for help by setting up this project and people are willing to help, but a bit more feedback and guidance would be very helpful and appreciated.


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    Hi @urbansonnet - Thanks for your feedback - We are doing our best here and I can ensure you we really appreciate everyone's contribution and are trying to answer as many questions as possible. If you can PM me some threads that you think are badly neglected I will head straight to them!
