Chimp & See Talk

Preview photo quality

  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Are the jpegs associated with the preview numbers the only way to get still photos from these clip? Wouldn't the images be clearer if they were isolated from the a single frame of the video, or am I wrong about that? I guess that's a tech question - would it require using imaging software to isolate individual frames?

    I ask because the video clips are good quality images but the preview photos are not clear.

    I will post this to the tech discussion thread also.


  • DataDroid by DataDroid moderator

    The previews are frames from the video. The videos, viewed at that resolution (their native resolution) are not very good quality either. I imagine they're so compressed in order to save bandwidth/improve load times.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    The necessity of shooting through plastic wrap doesn't really help either. Thanks for that info, @DataDroid.
