Chimp & See Talk

faceless sideways chimp dry lake 11

  • jrfs by jrfs

    want to ask about a chimp i spotted-it was my first movie, and was dry lake 11.couldnt see face, but recall it walked upright camera on side. has anyone else spotted him. he might have carried something. i would love to see him again, didnt favourite as i was new to this, and expected to then see chimps in most of the clips....was about 3-5 days ago i spotted him.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to jrfs's comment.

    I don't recall a chimp walking upright but in ACP00064o0 the female stands up to get a better view of the water and she carries an infant.

    When you are on the classifying page you can click 'profile' at the top of the page to see the recent clips you have classified. You have to keep scrolling down the page to see the older clips. 😃


  • ksigler by ksigler moderator

    Yes, check your profile page: Scroll down until you see the clip. Then when you hover over or click it, you'll see a menu appear with sharing icons and 2 overlapping conversation bubbles. Click that to get to the talk page to comment, favorite, etc.
