Chimp & See Talk

Has classification format changed?

  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    For the last 2 days my classification screen looks different.

    The "play" arrow remains in the center when I view the clip full frame. It doesn't go away when I move the mouse cursor off of it. This will be pretty annoying if I am trying to classify a clip with info in the center of the screen. It does go away when viewing non-full-screen. Is anyone else seeing this?

    Also it used to automatically take me to talk in another window when I hit the "discuss on talk" button. Now it opens the clip in talk but does not take me there. Not a big deal, but it is functioning differently.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    It looks like this the entire time when viewing full-screen:

    enter image description here


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @Snorticus, no, it does not look like this for me. Usually, video presentation depends more on the browser. Maybe yours updated? I tried Firefox and Chrome, but I have seen neither the arrow, nor the panel on the bottom when moving the mouse cursor. Which browser and version are you using?

    It also opens a new browser window for "Discuss" in my case.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to AnLand's comment.

    Using Chrome, it's odd. Will go through my settings & see if I inadvertently switched something. Thanks for checking it, Anja.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to AnLand's comment.

    This is vexing. I even completely uninstalled, reinstalled Chrome and still no change in the browser annoyances I listed above on my Mac laptop 😕

    Finally just downloaded Firefox & it seems to work normally again, sheesh.


  • puddock by puddock

    I'm having a similar thing with Chrome - can only set the video going with the centre button now ... and the button doesnt go away in full-screen mode...


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to puddock's comment.

    Exactly, @puddock I am not sure what has happened but it was super annoying. I just downloaded Firefox which doesn't have these issues so I guess I'll use it now.


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    This format change happend to me last week on Thursday or Friday in Chrome and it annoyed me too. The next day it was back to normal. For some reason I had to deleted the cache frequently and I think it might have something to do with this although I can't explain why or what...

    However, have you tried to clear the cache? In Chrome and Firefox it's done with CTRL+Shift+Del

    Hope it works!


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Ah jeepers! I'm back to that new video format as well. And it's not only a Chrome-thing. The same appears in firefox as well. 😦
    I'll ask around!


  • ksigler by ksigler moderator

    I tried out 2 versions of Chrome, an old one and the current one (version #s below). They look different, but in both cases, I'm not seeing the issue with the arrow being stuck in the middle of the screen. The arrow and the toolbar both disappear after a view seconds, reappearing only if I move my mouse.

    Clicking the button to discuss a clip in Talk does open the link in a new tab, but does not switch to it, as @Snorticus reported. It bothers me more that it re-uses a Talk tab rather than opening a new one, which causes one to lose anything they may have been working on in that tab (like the draft of a talk post while classifying in another tab). Requires extra care when multi-tasking. The low budget workaround for both these issues (in Chrome) is to hold Ctrl+Shift while clicking a link to force a new tab and switch to it.

    Wish I could help more. Browsers are very frustrating!

    Tested okay for me on (Windows):
    Chrome Version 67.0.3396.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator in response to ksigler's comment.

    Thanks Kris! The problem is, that the play-button stays in the middle of the screen when viewing full screen.

    I checked my Chrome versions (Windows) too and I was still using an older version at home. When checking the version Chrome automatically updatet to the newest version and dang: same problem. So we can say for sure that it is a problem within chrome.

    I also find it unnerving that the window does not automatically switch to the newly opened tab anymore. I never do discussions in this specific tag and I think @Snorticus and others neither do. Thanks for the CTRL+Shift+click - that helps.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to Boleyn's comment.

    Thanks for sussing that out, @Boleyn. I usually clear the cache fairly often, but unfortunately that didn't change the new way Chrome was working for me the other day 😦 I thought for sure it had to be some kind of preference setting or video playback setting though I couldn't find any changes there that would make the clips behave as before. Chrome worked so well here for so long though, sigh.

    @ksigler - Thanks for having a thorough look. Firefox is performing okay so far without the arrow and sends me to the discussion page as before so that's my "work around".


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    Glad you found a workaround, Dawna!

    I'll keep checking whether Chrome is going back to "normal" and keep you posted!


  • Corcaroli by Corcaroli

    I use Chrome and I also noticed the play button was staying in the middle of the screen. If you move the cursor to the black area below the video as soon as you press the button, the button will disappear right away. If you move the cursor back up into the video, the pause button will appear. Again, it will disappear if you drop the cursor down.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to Corcaroli's comment.

    My issue is that the arrow does not disappear when classifying in full screen mode. When screen is reduced in classification (or when I'm in 'talk') it will go away when cursor is moved also. I am just annoyed that it persists in the full screen classification mode 😕


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    Same here, button stays in full screen mode.

    Regarding opening and jumping to the new window after hitting "Discuss on talk" in classification the browser jumps to the new window when I close the old comment window before returning to classification. I hope Google is working on that button thing.


  • srallen by srallen

    I need to start up a Windows VM to check the behavior there, however, I'm checking on the behavior in the latest version of Chrome. I can get the button to fade away in full screen mode if you move the cursor off screen (I have a dual monitor setup) or moving the cursor to the top (which in Mac OS reveals the Chrome menu).

    I searched through the chromium bug reports, and although I didn't find the exact same issue, there is a similar issue reported about the play button's z-indexing: button&colspec=ID Pri M Stars ReleaseBlock Component Status Owner Summary OS Modified

    Unfortunately there's not much I can do if this indeed is a browser bug until Chrome fixes it. I'm not sure if I can hack around it yet.

    Is everyone who is seeing the issue of the play button in full screen mode not going away using Windows?


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to srallen's comment.

    I'm using Mac OS. You are right that in full-screen classification the arrow in the center goes away if I off the cursor at the top of the screen & it then covers the top edge of the frame content with the menu bar. This will work to view center of screen when needed though. Thank you for checking, @srallen So far it's been more annoying than it has actually been preventing viewing content and I can still view sans center arrow in the reduced size view.


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator in response to srallen's comment.

    Thanks for checking @srallen!

    I'm on Windows in a dual monitor setup as well. The play button always stays visible in the center except when I move the cursor to the second screen, then it fades away.
