Chimp & See Talk

Video names in prospective/known list

  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Hi all,

    until now we have been calling to the videos in the prospective/known list "VIDEO #1 / VIDEO #2" and so on. But many times we talk about the names of the videos (for instead: ACP0005tvl) in the threads.

    I would like to propose call the video with their names, and not "VIDEO #1 / VIDEO #2", because is easier if we have the video name also in the list. Also is more visual if we have several videos, see which ones are from each serie of videos, as they only change the last letter.

    I hope you all agree with that, and you find this "new names" more useful and easy.

    I will post also this comment in the site running now (LS-9) and I will start to change the names of the videos in the prospective/Known list of the site. Let me know if you it useful, or if you prefer to keep the "old" system.



  • DZM by DZM admin

    Fine by me! "VIDEO 1" and such is just a leftover from my template, anyway.

    I appreciate anything that you guys do to improve the system I set up! I like seeing it evolve into something that works better. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    I liked the old system too, but I think @PaulDG ยดs proposal is great. I think it is much easier to figure out which video we are talking about.

    If everyone agrees, this is how I will run the next site (I am looking forward to starting!)

    Thanks @PaulDG ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to DZM's comment.

    I recently browsed back through the beginning sites and comments and am pretty impressed at how quickly things evolved into an active and involving project here. Using your initial great system and the changes made based on working utility is pretty cool to see and experience. I like that you made it in such a way that it is easy to just start classifying, people can just drop in & do a few whenever they have a spare moment, and the talk allows us to have detailed conversations about what we're seeing - good design features all - Thanks for your thoughtful design, DZM!
