Chimp & See Talk


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    Hi all, you may see user @PangolinSG tagging pangolin videos around chimp&see - they are from the IUCN pangolin specialist group and are collaborating with us looking at the videos to ultimately update the conservation status of pangolins across Africa! I am sure they'd be happy to answer pangolin questions if you have any!

    for more info, check out:

    edit: oh and if you see the #NotPangolin tag, this is a tag being used by @PangolinSG to designate videos that were classified as pangolin but are actually not pangolins 😃


  • PangolinSG by PangolinSG

    Thank you! Enjoying seeing all the footage - feel free to ask any pangolin questions!


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Great to see that more of the videos get some special attention! And thanks for the explanation - I was already wondering if we now have to tag all videos which do not show pangolins this way 😉 😄
