Chimp & See Talk

What's making this noise?

  • DataDroid by DataDroid moderator

    Watch the video and listen for the loud sound. I'm not sure if that's another hog vocalizing close to the camera or something bumping it. It doesn't sound like the other camera bumps I've seen, so I'm not really sure.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    I heard something like this several times before - mostly when is was windy and assumed the noise was caused by the wind. Here I cannot see any movement around. So, no idea. (Maybe the microphone just had problems. Sounds like technical noise.)


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    I'm not sure either, sorry 😕


  • ksigler by ksigler moderator

    It sounds like air movement next to a sensitive microphone -- a burst with a reverb-like effect afterward. (There are 2 solid thumps mixed in, also.) If you think of a speech being given into an uncovered microphone, and the popping sound made when the person says a word that begins with a hard "P," that's what it sounds like to me. If that's what it is, then it could be caused by an animal breathing next to the camera (which could also include some actual soft vocalization), or if it's very close by, from swatting its tail, waving an ear, etc.
