Chimp & See Talk

two champs

  • mantide by mantide


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Thanks! Danke!


  • mantide by mantide

    have a question regarding camera reaction. Camera reaction means a reaction without an animal?


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    No, camera reaction means that the animal is reacting to the camera. That means mostly directly looking at the camera, being scared by the camera, running away after recognizing the camera etc. It must not be dramatic. It does not refer to the camera movement you see sometimes. That is the field team maintaining the camera and downloading videos.

    This is a camera reaction: ACP0004mbf

    Nein, Kamerareaktion bedeutet, dass ein Tier direkt auf die Kamera reagiert. Das kann heißen, es schaut einfach nur direkt hin, ist erschrocken, läuft weg vor der Kamera. Das muss nicht dramatisch sein. Es sind nicht die Videos gemeint, wo die Kamera sich bewegt. Das ist das Forscherteam, welches die Kamera wartet, Videos runterlädt etc.

    Das hier ist eine Kamerareaktion: ACP0004mbf


  • mantide by mantide

    that is a beautiful shot, the eyes of the mother...!


  • Mercury82 by Mercury82

    Yes this camera reaction is really clear 😃
    sometimes it's hard to distinguish if an animal is only looking in the direction of the camera or if it recognizes it - how well hidden are the cameras?


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator in response to Mercury82's comment.

    It is a box (camera, wrapped in plastic, in tupperware) strapped on a tree in approx. 1 m height.
