Chimp & See Talk

Gorilla chasing baboons?

  • Perlo121 by Perlo121

    This clip begins with a group of 4 adult baboons moving off to the left, with a baby running and catching them up (I hope!). Right at the very end of the clip, a large black shape enters from the right hand side at a lope. Is that a gorilla chasing the baboons?


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @Perlo121,

    first, we can exclude that it is a gorilla. We are in West Africa, that is outside of their home range (far outside, gorillas could not survive in this dry savannah habitat). Second, if you look very careful you will see that this bigger and darker primate has a tail too - it's a baboon as well. (Both chimps and gorillas do not have tails. Other primates here are not that big). You can see him and other baboons in a further video from this series here: ACP00064j6. They are traveling fast, but I do not have the impression that one group chases the other one. Hope that helps!
