Chimp & See Talk

vocalizing or vocalization?

  • luca-chimp by luca-chimp

    Hi @jwidness, when I started at chimpandsee, s.o. told me please to hashtag with "vocalizing" instead of "vocalization" (as I did at the beginning, because it is so namend in the selection under the random clips. No I can see, that you are "back"-hashtagging loads of sequences with "vocalization" ... now, what to do? Is there a difference? Maybe: "vocalizing" for the individuum I see, when it makes sounds and "vocalization" when ai only can hear but not see? 😃 Thanx for help.


  • jwidness by jwidness moderator

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that you're doing it wrong. In the past we have sometimes ended up with more than one tag for something -- for example red_river_hog and redriverhog. In the case of vocalizing/vocalization, I think some people have been using one tag, and others have been using the other tag. I generally look at two things to decide which tag to use: I'll check the official keyword list, and I'll temporarily try making a collection with each tag to see which has been more popular so far. For vocalizing/vocalization, the keyword list has vocalization, and when I make collections with each keyword, vocalizing has about 120 videos, while vocalization has over 500. Because the tags have developed as we go, they're sometimes not as consistent as we would like 😕. (For example, we use yellow_backed and duiker as two tags, but jentinks_duiker as a single tag.) We do have another tag to add when you can hear vocalizations, but you can't see an animal: vocal-only. I also add vocalization to those videos too, because you can't use "or" when you make a tag collection so collecting vocalization would leave out the vocal-only videos. This blog post might help explain what I mean.

    Sorry again for the confusion! Please feel free to ask any more questions you might have!


  • luca-chimp by luca-chimp

    Oh thanks. I didnt thought, you implying sth!! Its just, as I know it, I can hashtag both ways so we/you dont have to march twice through all clips ... 😃
