Chimp & See Talk

Dog-like sound

  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    This sounds just like my dog when she gets frustrated with something, lol! Guess what it is and then see ACP000efuv


  • lauraklynn by lauraklynn moderator

    I have weak speakers, but this actually sounds sort of like a chimp vocalization, with some sort of displaying at the end. Are we sure it's the RRH making the sound?


  • luca-chimp by luca-chimp

    I think there are monkeys in the tree with the camera. I heard that deep "bump" when they hop in … and listen to this clip (found from @Anland, when we mused over this rasping sounds … (dianas). For me it is simular.
    So I think, Diana-Monkeys in the camera-tree


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Since the rustling of the brush is constant throughout the series of parts and the RRH shows up some seconds after the grunt, it seemed like it was the pig to me. It's louder with headphones 😉

    ACP000efut ACP000efuv ACP000efux ACP000efuz


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    ACP000efhf This pig seems a little annoyed about something 😉 They sound so expressive!
