Chimp & See Talk

Zooniverse image competition!

  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    We have so many great screen grabs from our videos here on Talk! please submit your favorites to 😃 We would LOVE to see some C&S images represented! 😄


  • jwidness by jwidness moderator

    If anyone needs some inspiration, I recommend the dailyzoo tag collection. There's a lot of overflow there, so you could also build a collection with #dailyzoo + #yourfavspecies to narrow it down.

    (If you're not quite sure how to make a tag collection, go to the Talk page for any video that has any tag, for example here, and click on the button in the upper right that says "Create a tag group". Then you can change the included tags to be whatever you'd like.)


  • jwidness by jwidness moderator

    (I might have just submitted five entries ; ))


  • zoogirl1 by zoogirl1

    I just put 4 in myself.


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    thanks ladies! i also submitted my faves 😄 I found out about it through the zooniverse advent calander they are doing - its pretty neat!
