Chimp & See Talk

Hunting behavior

  • DataDroid by DataDroid moderator

    While hunting is mentioned in the "Carrying Object" and "Traveling" parts of the behavior guide, how should I classify an actual pounce as seen in this video? I tagged "Cross-species interaction", since technically, the genet is "interacting" with another species when it pounces.


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    hmmm...are we sure that it´s hunting? when I see a genet hunting it usually runs fast and pounces often. In this case I think it just jumps a little bit and keeps walking normally, maybe to avoid something on the ground, don´t you think so?


  • DataDroid by DataDroid moderator

    I interpreted it as pouncing and missing, but you know more about their behavior than I do. However, in the event I do observe definitive hunting behavior, how should it be tagged?


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    cross species interaction is good, also feeding. and then also hash tag the video with #hunting


  • DataDroid by DataDroid moderator

