Chimp & See Talk

Chimp or gorilla?

  • Coneth by Coneth

    I tagged chimp but not entirely sure that was correct.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @Coneth, it's neither. What you see is actually a #guinea #baboon. You can see body form, face and tail better here: ACP00074cm


  • Coneth by Coneth

    Wow it was really hard to tell that in this video. Thank you for the correction.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator in response to Coneth's comment.

    It is really hard to see here. I think, the only clue with this video during classification could be that the fur does look a bit brownish, not really black as a chimpanzee's would. (But even that is hard to spot here.) At some point, you will also get the proportions right. This is a bigger baboon, but chimps are still taller and more massive.

    Don't worry about the wrong classification. Each video is seen by several people and in the end - probably - more people will classify correctly.


  • jwidness by jwidness moderator

