Chimp & See Talk

Bird of (and with) prey

  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Look at this great bird that @puddock found! It is standing on some kind of prey. @Orohena suggested ID Martial Eagle which seems good to me. It has the black & white belly and the top-knot head feathers.

    ACP000d0ss ACP000d0st ACP000d0su ACP000d0sw


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    wonderful!! where are our bird experts at 😄


  • puddock by puddock

    With the help of Google, I'm wondering about the Congo Serpent Eagle...looks about right and the behaviour seems similar, although I think the prey is a large fish, not a snake or lizard, which is its usual prey...


  • lauraklynn by lauraklynn moderator

    I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I think it looks like an African Crowned Eagle?!


  • Orohena by Orohena

    Ahah so... Martial Eagle

    enter image description here

    or Congo Serpent Eagle

    enter image description here

    or African Crowned Eagle.

    enter image description here

    Very difficult to me because they all seem to be present in the area of Green Snowflake.
    They all have this top-knot head feathers.
    The Congo Serpent Eagle have black feather starting on the head and stop right after the head and the 2others seem to have the "neck" in black feathers too.
    The Martial Eagle seem to have a very white belly with grey dot, and the African Crowned Eagle seem to have a darker belly.

    Keep in mind that this comment is based on Google Images 😄

    If I look at the picture of this bird
    enter image description here

    I would be more confident with the guess of @lauraklynn : the African Crowned Eagle


  • lauraklynn by lauraklynn moderator

    These images are all from the Handbook of the Birds of the World website

    Martial Eagle:

    Congo Serpent Eagle:

    African Crowned Eagle:

    It could be something else entirely, as I am unfamiliar with the full selection of birds in Africa, but of the 3, it still looks most like the Crowned Eagle.


  • yshish by yshish moderator

    It looks like an African Crowned to me too.


  • puddock by puddock

    Excellent detective work everyone - I'm coming round to African Crowned too...


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    The crown is yours, Laura 😉


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    You guys are awesome!!! 😄 thank you!


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    ha ha, @Boleyn So @lauraklynn it looks like agreement on African Crowned Eagle with the wide belly bars. I think I see the brown upper underside of the wings too. That's a new bird for us!


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    Time for a new hashtag! I leave it up to you guys to pick the tag, add it and add it to the keyword list 😃


  • yshish by yshish moderator

    #African_crowned_eagle was created and added to the list. Now we need to tag all the videos displaying the handsome bird! 😄
