Chimp & See Talk

camera resolution

  • bannd67 by bannd67

    everything from this camera is barely visible at night. I can make out a little of the pic through the grey border on the bottom, but everything else is a whiteout. any way they could bring a grey scale into the tools or any type of contrast program?? Otherwise, I'll just have to keep putting in "nothing here" , because I CAN'T see anything.


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Hi there, there are some places where we can barely see anything in the video, but in this video here I can pretty well see a duiker entering the frame from left, looking at the camera and then feeding. And I can trust my screen because it's calibrated for graphic purpose 😃

    Maybe it will help when you try to adjust your screen, give a bit more contrast and turn down brightness?
    Good luck!


  • bannd67 by bannd67

    Have found if I turn contrast down on my monitor to just about 7, I can see some details in this camera 's pics.
