Chimp & See Talk

help ID please

  • dslutz by dslutz

    help ID monkey? cat?


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Hi @dslutz and welcome to our corner of the internet 😃

    This is a L'Hoests monkey, the correct tag for it is #lhoests_monkey. When you have a look at existing comments underneath a video you might already find the species tagged. In this case it was @clare50 who already did.

    If there's no existing comment you can just add a tag need_ID in a comment and click on the follow-button in the upper right corner. Somebody will answer your question in a comment (again underneath the video). You might then browse through the recents to find your clip again or select "Following" in the menu and there you'll see a list of all your followed videos.

    If you like to try out to find a species yourself there's the Species Cheat-Sheet for Green-Snowflake containing most of the known species for this site.

    Have fun!


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @Boleyn, can you please remove your need_ID tag as it gets associated with this video. Thanks!


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    ok, done 😃
