Chimp & See Talk

CSMale01 walking toward the camera and using a rock to crack nuts

  • DataDroid by DataDroid moderator

    I'm pretty sure it's the same one - sure is a big fellow.

    ACP00029d1, ACP00029d2, ACP00029d3

    one one


  • urbansonnet by urbansonnet

    They somehow seem alike, but i think CSMale01 is more slender, less stocky. On the other hand, they both have light hair around chin and mouth; also face and head form seem similar. So, yeah, I'm very undecided and of no help at all. Sorry. 😉


  • vittoriaestienne by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator

    complicated..I'll put this guy as CSMale02 and hope to find more videos and of better quality... thanks!
