by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator
Hi everyone,
As the chimp identification and naming process evolves we are making a
few changes. For now we are going to just make lists of all the chimp
videos with very clear faces and traits and leave it up to you guys to
decide if any of them are matches. So please be patient as we develop
our lists and down the road we can focus more on the matches. If there
are any REALLY obvious matches please point them out in a discussion.Thanks!
The Science Team
by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator
Sita + Nini
FEMALE / ADULT/ #Sita / SitaTag Group
FEMALE / ADULT/ #Nini/ NiniTag Group
Adult female with juvenile (callend #Nini). Female with rather "rectangular" face and small ears. The right ear seems cut/ bent on the upper side. (previously CSFemale01)
Alexis + Abile##
FEMALE/ ADULT/ #Alexis / Alexis Tag Group
Dark adult female with juvenile. Slim, forehead with a triangular bald patch. Her baby is #Abile.
Formerly CSFemale02 and CSFemale06 (Stella): Stella was a sequence, not a match.
Former Tag Groups:
- FEMALE / ADULT/ #Stella / Stella Tag Group
CSFemale03 (Vroni)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Vroni/ Vroni Tag Group
Slim, with dark fur. Characteristic lower lip hanging and elongated, dark face. Ears a bit pointed out. (Previously CSFemale03). Vroni has only one video, no match.
Shani + Yasmin
FEMALE / ADULT/ #Shani / Shani Tag Group
FEMALE / INFANT / #Yasmin / Yasmin Tag Group
Rounded head and eyebrows, bald forehead. Greyish beard on the sides of the mouth. Strong body structure. (Previously CDFemale04).
Recorded together with CSJuvenile05. Yasmin is her female infant.
Elisa + Elian
FEMALE/ ADULT / #Elisa / Elisa Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Elian / Elian Tag Group
Completely bald head, almost shiny from far; dark pelage; neat, oval sexual swelling. (Previous CSFemale05). Elian is her infant.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #Mildred / Mildred Tag Group
Mildred has a small cut on top of her right ear. Dark face and slightly thin, curved brows and whitish beard. She is seen with the juv. Dimi. No infant around seen.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #Cassandra / Cassandra Tag Group
Cassandra was Previously Elisa. Adult female with no infant around she has bald head, gray back, and a right ear fold.
Former Tag Groups:
- FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale07 / CSFemale07 Tag Group
CSFemale08 & CSInf08
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale08 / CSFemale08 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf08 / CSInf08 Tag Group
Female with small infant, previously Shani and Yasmin. Ears look ok.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale08b / CSFemale08b Tag Group
Previously Elisa. Probably CSFemale08? Both ears ok.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale08c / CSFemale08c Tag Group
Previously Elisa. Probably CSFemale08? Ears unseen.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale09 / CSFemale09 Tag Group
Previously Elisa. Right ear undamaged/unseen, u-cut on the side/top of left ear.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale09b / CSFemale09b Tag Group
Previously Elisa. Ears not clearly seen.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale10 / CSFemale10 Tag Group
Previously Elisa. top part of right ear missing/damaged?
CSFemale11 & CSInf11
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale11 / CSFemale11 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf11 / CSInf11 Tag Group
Previously Shani and Yasmin. Female carrying female infant dorsally. Right ear undamaged/unseen, u-cut on the side/top of left ear.
CSFemale12 & CSInf12##
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale12 / CSFemale12 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT/ #CSInf12 / CSInf12 Tag Group
Previously Elisa and Elian. Female carrying female infant ventrally and dorsally. Both ears look undamaged.
CSFemale13 & CSInf13
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale13 / CSFemale13 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf13 / CSInf13 Tag Group
Previously Shani and Yasmin. Female sitting with small infant in the background. Excluded as Shani because CSFemale13 has a round right ear (best seen in the video), while Shani´s right ear is ripped.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale14 / CSFemale14 Tag Group
Young female, or I would better say adolescent, very dark body, light and very triangular muzzle. Black eye mask with very light and straight brows. No baldness seen and ears look ok (but not clearly seen).
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale15 / CSFemale15 Tag Group
Only her rear is seen, but she has 4 small pinkish spots above her swelling. She is quite robust and dark. She doesn´t look old. Her left ear looks round and points out a bit.
CSFemale16 & CSInf16
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale16 / CSFemale16 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf16 / CSInf16 Tag Group
Slightly thin female, left ear ok, straight brows.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale17 / CSFemale17 Tag Group
Walking wadging female with torn left ear.
CSFemale18 & CSInf18
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale18 / CSFemale18 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT/ #CSInf18 / CSInf18 Tag Group
Adult female carrying big infant dorsally (could be male infant). Quite dark in general, there is a greyish triangular area above her swelling.
CSFemale19 & CSInf19
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale19 / CSFemale19 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf19 / CSInf19 Tag Group
Adult female carrying a big infant dorsally. Her head looks long and she has a bald patch on her forehead. Thin hind limbs.
CSFemale20 & CSInf20
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale20 / CSFemale20 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf20 / CSInf20 Tag Group
Adult female carrying an infant dorsally. She is a robust chimp, a bit greyish on her low back. Her muzzle looks a big depigmented.
CSFemale21 & CSInf21
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale21 / CSFemale21 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf21 / CSInf21 Tag Group
Adult female carrying a small infant dorsally. She has a grey lower back.
CSFemale22 & CSInf22
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale22 / CSFemale22 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf22 / CSInf22 Tag Group
Adult female carrying a small infant ventrally. She has a light grey lower back.
CSFemale23 & CSInf23
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale23 / CSFemale23 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf23 / CSInf23 Tag Group
Adult female carrying an infant dorsally. The infant seems to be a female, but it´s unclear. The female has a very thin, patched and bony rear.
FEMALE / ADULT/ #CSFemale24 / CSFemale24 Tag Group
Adult female. It looks like she has a small white spot on her back, between her shoulders.
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale25 / CSFemale25 Tag Group
At first the sex unclear and she was called #CSUnclear01. But then she was agreed to be a female. S/he has round ears that seem to point out (but the light might play a role here). Muzzle looks triangular, protrudent and curved brows.
Former Tag Groups:
- UNCLEAR / ADULT / #CSUnclear01 / CSUnclear01 Tag Group
CSFemale26 & CSInf26
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale26 / CSFemale26 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf26 / CSInf26 Tag Group
Adult female carrying ventral infant. Very dark face and bald patch. Her left ear seems to have a fold (but it might as well be a movement effect).
CSFemale27 & CSInf27
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale27 / CSFemale27 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf27 / CSInf27 Tag Group
Adult female carrying ventral infant. The lower part of her back is cleared. Her left ear looks ok. Dark face.
CSFemale28 & CSInf28
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale28 / CSFemale28 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf28 / CSInf28 Tag Group
Adult female carrying big dorsal infant. Her right ear looks fine. She has a bald patch in the middle of her forehead. Her muzzle is large and light. Her back is light.
CSFemale29 & CSInf29
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale29 / CSFemale29 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf29 / CSInf29 Tag Group
Adult female carrying big dorsal infant. She has a quite light face and hind limbs. Her right ear is not well seen.
CSFemale30 & CSInf30
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale30 / CSFemale30 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf30 / CSInf30 Tag Group
Adult female carrying big dorsal infant. She is quite dark, her hind limbs are lighter. Her left ear looks ok.
CSFemale31 & CSInf31
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale31 / CSFemale31 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf31 / CSInf31 Tag Group
Adult female carrying medium-sized dorsal infant. She is quite robust, her hind limbs and head are lighter.
CSFemale32 & CSInf32
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale32 / CSFemale32 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf32 / CSInf32 Tag Group
Adult female carrying big dorsal infant. She has a black face, bald patch in forehead, straight brows. Right ear looks ok.
CSFemale33 & CSInf33
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale33 / CSFemale33 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf33 / CSInf33 Tag Group
Adult female carrying dorsal infant. Her face is dark, with big nostrils and a vertical baldpatch on forehead. Her brows are black and curved.
CSFemale34 & CSInf34
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale34 / CSFemale34 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf34 / CSInf34 Tag Group
An adult female with a ventral infant, CSJuv43 is associated on the right. She seems to be quite bald. Both ears are there, but not well enough seen for damages.
CSFemale35 & CSInf35
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale35 / CSFemale35 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf35 / CSInf35 Tag Group
An adult female with a big dorsal infant. The lower part of her back is yellowish completely bald on her hips. She walks with Yasmin and Shani.
CSFemale36 & CSInf36
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale36 / CSFemale36 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf36 / CSInf36 Tag Group
An adult female with a big dorsal infant. Her face is dark, Round head, straight and grey brows. She walks with Yasmin and Shani.
CSFemale37 & CSInf37
FEMALE / ADULT / #CSFemale37 / CSFemale37 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #CSInf37 / CSInf37 Tag Group
An adult female followed by an infant and a juvenile (CSJuv74). She is lean and the lower part of her back is lighter. Not much clearly seen, but a group of three.
by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator
FEMALE/ JUVENILE / #Anne/ Anne Tag Group
Pink face, rather flat and straight eyebrows.
Recorded following #Alexis (Previously CSJuvenile06 and CSJuvenile08)
MALE / JUVENILE/ #Abile/ Abile Tag Group
Young tool user, with big, pink ears and eyebrows, and dark face. The mother is #Alexis (CSFemale02)
(Previously CSJuv01)
JUVENILE/ #Eddy / Eddy Tag Group
rounded head, eye brows also very rounded. (Previous CSJuv03)
MALE / JUVENILE/ #Dimi / Dimi Tag Group
Recorded with #Elisa. (previously CSJuv04)
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #Deka / Deka Tag Group
Recorded together with #Shani (previously CSFemale04). Flat brow ridge and rather distinctive nose; the lower lip sticks forward (not just down) a bit when relaxed. (Formerly CSJuvenile05)
MALE / JUVENILE/ #Baloo / Baloo Tag Group
Peculiar shape of the testes, one placed over the other. Brown lower back. (Previously CSAdolescent01)
JUVENILE/ #CSJuv09 / CSJuv09 Tag Group
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv10 / CSJuv10 Tag Group
Male juvenile whose testicles are still not seen. Round and protruding brows. Round undamaged ears that point out a bit. Oval light muzzle and white beard. He appears to have a small round bald patch on his left knee.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv10b / CSJuv10b Tag Group
Male juvenile. Probably a match to CSJuv10
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv11 / CSJuv11 Tag Group
Proposed as a match to Eddy, juvenile with undamaged ears. S/he seems to have a small knotch on right brow. Brows are round and protruding. Muzzle triangular and slightly light mask.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv12 / CSJuv12 Tag Group
Quite big male juvenile following the group. He appears in the video at the very end, and looks at the camera. His brows are thick and curved. Big upper lip and nostrils.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv13 / CSJuv13 Tag Group
Male juvenile following the group. He appears in the video at the very end.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv14 / CSJuv14 Tag Group
Male juvenile, his right ear looks deformed. Left ear seems to be normal, but not clearly seen. He has a dark eye area.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv15 / CSJuv15 Tag Group
Big juvenile with light face and oval muzzle. Curved and protrudent pinkish brows, it has a dark mask too.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv16 / CSJuv16 Tag Group
Male juvenile seen with Abile and Alexis. Long face and oval muzzle. Curved and protrudent brows and long nostrils.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv17 / CSJuv17 Tag Group
Juvenile seen with Anne. Light and round muzzle. Curved brows. S/he might be Abile.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv18 / CSJuv18 Tag Group
Juvenile seen with CSFemale20. Dark andnd oval muzzle. Straight and protruding brows.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv19 / CSJuv19 Tag Group
Juvenile whose left ear seems to have a deformation.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv20 / CSJuv20 Tag Group
Juvenile following CSFemale22
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv21 / CSJuv21 Tag Group
Medium-sized juvenile following CSFemale23. It looks like a male, but it´s unclear.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv22 / CSJuv22 Tag Group
Big juvenile following seen with Teddy. Might be a male, but it´s unclear.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv23 / CSJuv23 Tag Group
Big female juvenile seen alone.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv23b / CSJuv23b Tag Group
Big female juvenile seen alone. She might be CSJuv23 some minutes later in the same sequence.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv24 / CSJuv24 Tag Group
Male adolescent walking solo. He seems to have a small bald patch on his left hind leg (but might as well be a light effect).
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv25 / CSJuv25 Tag Group
Big thin male adolescent. He has a long face, oval muzzle and both his ears look ok. He has a white spot on one side of his forehead, beside his right ear (or may be debris?).
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv26 / CSJuv26 Tag Group
Adolescent male with a long face and a small bald patch on his forehead. He has a long scar along his back (looks like a long thin branch).
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv27 / CSJuv27 Tag Group
Female juvenile with a dark mask.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv28 / CSJuv28 Tag Group
Medium-sized juvenile, light muzzle and brows. Dark mask. Face is long and oval muzzle.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv29 / CSJuv29 Tag Group
big female juvenile. Light face, thick and straight brows.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv30 / CSJuv30 Tag Group
female juvenile. Oval light muzzle, straight brows, she has a vertical bald patch above her brows.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv31 / CSJuv31 Tag Group
Adolescent with straight brows and light muzzle. Left ear looks ok.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv32 / CSJuv32 Tag Group
Male juvenile with a dark mask. His brows are slightly curved in the middle. Long and oval muzzle.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv33 / CSJuv33 Tag Group
Big juvenile with a dark face. His right ear is ok.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv34 / CSJuv34 Tag Group
Big juvenile with a light and triangular muzzle, quite straight brows.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv35 / CSJuv35 Tag Group
Big juvenile with straight and protruding brows. Light and long muzzle. Right ear is ok.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv36 / CSJuv36 Tag Group
Late female juvenile.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv37 / CSJuv37 Tag Group
Late juvenile with light and long face.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv38 / CSJuv38 Tag Group
A bigger male juvenile. Body form a bit roundish.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv39 / CSJuv39 Tag Group
A mid-sized male juvenile is following #CSFemale12 and her small infant. They might be a family.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv40 / CSJuv40 Tag Group
Juvenile following CSFemale15
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv41 / CSJuv41 Tag Group
Juvenile seen with Anne. Looks like a female.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv42 / CSJuv42 Tag Group
Small male juvenile, looks more like an infant.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv43 / CSJuv43 Tag Group
Juvenile associated to CSFemale34.
MALE (?) / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv44 / CSJuv44 Tag Group
Big juvenile seen with CSUnclear04. Look like it´s a male.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv45 / CSJuv45 Tag Group
Small juvenile seen with CSUnclear04 and CSJuv44.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv46 / CSJuv46 Tag Group
Female adolescent walking with Yasmin and Shani. Light face and straight brows. Her right ear looks ok.
FEMALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv47 / CSJuv47 Tag Group
Female adolescent walking with CSFemale37 and infant.
MALE (?) / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv48 / CSJuv48 Tag Group
Big male juvenile, seen with Shani and Yasmin.
MALE / JUVENILE/ #CSJuv49 / CSJuv49 Tag Group
Big male juvenile. He was thought to be Eddy, but he is bigger than Eddy, so excluded from Eddy´s tag group. Light and curved brows. Triangular muzzle and black mask aroung his eyes, that covers his nose. No baldness and right ear is ok.
by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator
MALE / ADULT / #Teddy / Teddy Tag Group
Strong physical structure. Broad, bald and rounded forehead.
(Previously CSMale02)
MALE / ADULT / #Gehn / Gehn Tag Group
Adult male dark face and little greyish beard. Flat forehead. (previously CSMale01)
MALE / ADULT / #Bendo / Bendo Tag Group
ON THE LEFT: Pronounced, flat brow ridge, bald forehead, white beard. (Previously CSMale03)
MALE/ ADULT / #Ghemon / Ghemon Tag Group
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale05 / CSMale05 Tag Group
CSMale05 has two white spots on the left side of his back. He´s a robust male, and his back is basically black. His ears look ok. Face seen from the distance, but he seems to have a white beard and quite straight brows.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale06 / CSMale06 Tag Group
CSMale06 is a young male, very dark. His lower back is a bit greyer, but still very dark.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale07 / CSMale07 Tag Group
CSMale07 is a robust male. His lower back is a grey. Long muzzle, curved and short brows. His right ear looks ok.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale08 / CSMale08 Tag Group
Very robust male, very dark and grey lower part of his back and hind limbs. His right ear looks ok.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale09 / CSMale09 Tag Group
He is a late adolescent, with a light face and curved brows. He has thin hind limbs and a bit bony anal area.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale10 / CSMale10 Tag Group
Adult male with a grey back and a light muzzle.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale11 / CSMale11 Tag Group
Adult male with a vertical bald patch on his forhead. His muzzle is quite round and seem to have some white spots. His brows are protruding and straight.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale12 / CSMale12 Tag Group
Very robust male, dark body a bit yellowish back.
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale13 / CSMale13 Tag Group
Adolescent male. He might be CSJuv25, an adolescent male present in the next video ( ACP0002c6n )
MALE/ ADULT / #CSMale14 / CSMale14 Tag Group
Adolescent male. His brows are quite light and curved.
by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator
UNKNOWN / ADULT / #CSUnclear02 / CSUnclear02 Tag Group
Adult sitting in the background. S/he has a dark face with oval muzzle and a small bald patch on forehead. Very likely to be a female as she is seen with two juveniles around her.
UNKNOWN / ADULT / #CSUnclear03 / CSUnclear03 Tag Group
Probably a male, but testes not seen. Straight brows, light muzzle. S/he is quite thin with lighter back and hind limbs.
UNKNOWN / ADULT / #CSUnclear04 / CSUnclear04 Tag Group
Short, dark and curved brows, dark muzzle. S/he is quite robust with lighter back and hind limbs. Both ears look ok.