Chimp & See Talk

ACP00038ut – Adult chimp tries out potential tools while another adult looks on.

  • Devilstower by Devilstower


    Adult #chimp with distinctive white eyebrows sorts through potential tool material. Some items are rejected. A chunk of wood is weighed and considered, chimp looks like he's about to go look for a new stone. A second chimp is visible but mostly obscured behind tree.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Related to, the two videos are within 15 minutes of each other but it gets really confusing as to when the adult in the background swaps places, if they swap...


  • Giulia_Sirianni by Giulia_Sirianni scientist in response to Devilstower's comment.

    Hi Devilstower,

    the individual you spotted here is not an adult but rather a juvenile 😃 see also my comment on the page "One chimp using tool"


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    ACP00038vc noted on talk, 40 minutes after this video, looks like the same chimp to me.
