Chimp & See Talk

Missing right forearm chimp -- Dodge

  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    ACP0005ckf This chimp is missing the right forearm, I think above the elbow. He/she sniffs and loses balance, camera reaction, sits.

    no right forearm


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    ACP0005ckg We also see the chimp here before exit and see the right stub. I wonder how the arm was lost?


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Wow! Now there's a chimp that should be easy to tell if we see him(her? I can't tell..) again!

    Interesting that he's carrying around a small rock. He probably can't pick up and use the larger rocks and branches that chimps normally use, but such a small tool is easy to carry around while foraging.


  • ksigler by ksigler moderator

    Wow, that's fascinating! I'm no doctor, but I don't see how an animal could lose a limb like that and (without treatment) not bleed to death. Maybe it's a birth defect?


  • jwidness by jwidness moderator

    Chimps are sadly sometimes victims of snares -- that would be my guess in this case. Here's a link to a page about snares in Kibale National Park and the efforts to get rid of them: (note: some slightly disturbing images for those who might be sensitive)


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    ACP0005czx ACP0005czy Here is the one armed chimp again walking behind 3 other chimps in a somewhat dark clip. The third one seems to hold up a bit and look back at him to catch up. It's clear how much they utilize their arms for speed and balance when walking.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    That was as horrible as expected @jwidness. Poor chimps. Humans can be such difficult neighbors for animals and plants to deal with. I count our efforts as on the helping side though.


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    ACP0005d05 One armed chimp gets a rock can hear off camera drumming, vocalizations, and tool use.

    ACP0005d06 Hear some chimp aggression off camera and the vocalization of a gruff bark.

    ACP0005d07 More chimp aggression off camera, a chimp runs back into frame vocalizing

    ACP0005d08 The chimp drums once and runs off up the path vocalizing

    I'm assuming here - but it seems like he doesn't have much status due to his missing arm so he's complaining to another higher status chimp who barks at him. Maybe the other chimp is monopolizing the nut cracking spot. Hard to tell for certain from the last clip but I think he is the chimp who runs off.

    @jwidness labels male chimp which seems right. Just thought - do female chimps ever drum?


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Wow!!!!!! as jwidness has said, that is probably due a snare. There is a lot of poaching, even in protected areas. Sometimes for eat the meat of these animals and sometimes for sell the babies in the illegal commerce. Is horrible but is real.

    Snorticus, yes, the females also drum, but is not so often.

    Which name do you want to this male?
    Thanks a lot!


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    I would like to name this male Dodge.


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Perfect, Thanks a lot!


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    This might be Dodge again: male missing his right forearm: ACP0004vat (back view only).


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    I think it is Dodge also. He seems to be leaning his weight to the left side and left arm and I don't think I see a full right arm.


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Yes, is Dodge! 😉
