Chimp & See Talk

New site started! Please read it ;)

  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Hi everyone,

    The new site 10 - Dark Field has started!

    At first we will try to find good images of the chimps and we will assign temporary names to these prospective chimps (as DFFem01, DFFem02, DFJuv01...) Then, if we are absolutely sure that two of them are the same, we will do the match between two prospective chimps and we will choose a name for this identified/known chimp.

    Sometimes is very difficult to be sure about a match but don't feel frustrated if we don't identify all the chimps. Sometimes is just impossible because they are very far, or they pass quickly or the video quality is not the best...

    Just let's do our best and have fun!!

    Thanks a lot Chimp&See citizens!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    For the record, I'm told that this site only has 36 videos.

    So this might not be a great one for chimp finding, and that's why we are also preparing for site 11.

    But hey, we found Selve at 4, right? You never know! 😃


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Exactly, let's see!


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Ah, was wondering about two new sites popping up at once!


  • ksigler by ksigler moderator

    Don't think I've seen any of these come in for classifying yet. Could just be the rarity. Has anyone else seen them?


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    I think there are some videos, they will come!


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    They will be up next I think and there are a few thousand videos, certainly a small site but still a site 😃
