by NuriaM scientist, moderator
(former DL11Female4)
ACP0007a88 / ACP0006rqj (more videos in the Tag Group).
FEMALE / ADULT / #Roux / Roux Tag Group
Roux is a brown adult female.
(former DL11Female16 and DL11Infant15 / DL11Female19 and DL11Infant17 / DL11Female10 DL11Infant9 / DL11Female3 DL11Infant3 /DL11Female13 DL11Infant12))
FEMALE / ADULT / #Tyra / Tyra Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Toby / Toby Tag Group
Tyra has dark almost black skin, round brows, the right brow has a little scar. Also the left ear has a little deformation, the right in is intact. A u-shaped balding part on her midhead, some white hairs in her beard. Her fur is also quite black, no scars visible.
Toby is Tyra´s infant, it has pinkish muzzle, darker around the eyes, nicely rounded brows with an almost inquiring look, big pink round ears, black fur but pale hands and feet.
(former DL11Female5/Infant4 - DL11Female8/Infant7 - DL11Female9/Infant8 - DL11Female14/Infant13 - DL11Female20 - DL11Female36)
ACP0006kno / ACP0006kro (more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Olive / Olive Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Tassilo / Tassilo Tag Group
Olive is a dark adult female, big belly, long, dark and regularly pigmented face. Large nostrils. Right ear normal, left ear appears to be folded at the top. Together Tassilo, small infant, regular ears, pinkish face.
(former DL11Female24/infant19 , DL11Female25/infant20 and DL11Female27/infant22)
ACP0006rau / ACP00064o0 / ACP0007332
FEMALE / ADULT / #Ilsa / Ilsa Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Bohe / Bohe Tag Group
Ilsa is a female with a long face, greyish spotted muzzle, round protruded brows and dark eye area. Her left ear looks folded at the top, right ear is present and undamaged. Her brows are rather straight with only a small dent. She is quite bald. The face looks quite flat (muzzle and nostrils) and a bit grayer in the strong sunlight, . She looks quite robust and has a white spot on the back of her head. Bohe is her small dorsal infant.
(former DL11Female26 / DL11Infant21)
ACP0006at9 / ACP0006rny (more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Jean / Jean Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Dorian / Dorian Tag Group
She has a quite flat head, a gray beard, gray legs and lower back. Dorian is her infant. They walk with two juveniles.
(former DL11Female34, DL11Female38, DL11Female39)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Mary / Mary Tag Group
Thin and young female, left ear looks folded at the top. Quite dark without bald patches visible.
(former DL11Female12/Infant11, DL11Female18 and DL11Female23/Infant23)
ACP00064om (more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Aisha / Aisha Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Ajali / Ajali Tag Group
She has large face + quite greying muzzle fairly straight brows.
(former DL11Female6 + DL11Female11 + DL11Female17. Former DL11Infant5 + DL11Infant10 + DL11Infant16 )
ACP00079us (more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Raminta / Raminta Tag Group
MALE / INFANT / #Rover / Rover Tag Group
Raminta has dark face, quite protruded and dark brows, greyish beard. Rover is her boy.
(former DL11Female29 / DL11Infant24)
ACP0006g9m (more videos in the tag group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #Kafi / Kafi Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Sanou / Sanou Tag Group
Kafi is of medium build with skinny legs and a small waist. Her lower back is grey and she either carries her large infant dorsally, or walks along with him/her. She is very bow-legged and has an odd gait. Sanou is her infant.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
DL11Female1 / DL11Infant1
ACP0007a94 (more videos in Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female1 / DL11Female1 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant1 / DL11Infant1 Tag Group
Thin balding female with pale lips, & ventral infant. Left ear regular, right ear triangular at the top.
DL11Female2 / DL11Infant2
ACP00072zi (more videos in the tag group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female2 / DL11Female2 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant2/ DL11Infant2 Tag Group
Female adult carrying a dorsal infant. Bald, round head, straighter brows. She is rather lean and dark. Rather big swelling. Both ears are present, at least the left one without damage. Infant has a big head.
DL11Female7 / DL11Infant6
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female7 / DL11Female7 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant6 / DL11Infant6 Tag Group
Small infant (big head 😃 ) with thin dark adult female. They might be a match to DL11Female2 and DL11Infant2.
DL11Female15 / DL11Infant14
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female15 / DL11Female15 Tag Group
The female is medium-sized, mostly dark (her legs may have some gray), and has a large white scar on the right side of her back. She also has 2 light, protruding ears and no hair on her head. The infant is barely visible, but It may have a light spot on top of its head (or reflection) and it has a white tail tuft.
DL11Female21 / DL11Infant18
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female21/ DL11Female21 Tag Group
Face not visible, but she has grey rear (almost no pink at all), with distinctive grey balder spots on each hip. Dorsal infant is fairly large
DL11Female22 / DL11Infant36
ACP00071q2 / ACP00071pa(more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female22 / DL11Female22 Tag Group
UNKNOWN (female?) / INFANT / #DL11Infant36 / DL11Infant36 Tag Group
She has a medium build, grey lower back, a white spot in the middle of the back, very bald, both ears look ok, a large dorsal infant, and medium size juvenile. Not a good view of her face, but her back is distinctive.
DL11Female28 was actually DL11Female23
DL11Female30 / DL11Infant25
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female30 / DL11Female30 Tag Group
Female medium size, rather robust build and with gray face. Her right ear looks a bit folded at the top. She is carrying a small infant dorsally. They might be a match to Ilsa and Bohe.
DL11Female31 / DL11Infant26
ADULT / FEMALE / #DL11Female31 / DL11Female31 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant26 / DL11Infant26 Tag Group
Medium-sized mother. Sparse hair on head with a center "part". Both ears intact, left one appears normal. Lighter gray muzzle, even lighter around the mouth. Long face with wide mouth, drooping lower lip. Flat bow-shaped brow. Body dark with no visible marks, long nipples. Medium-sized infant with slightly pink grayish face, large or fluffy-looking head and close-set eyes
DL11Female32 / DL11Infant27
ACP00077tx (more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female32 / DL11Female32 Tag Group
they might be a match to DL11Female 2 / 6 / 7? / 17 + infants
DL11Female33 / DL11Infant28
ADULT / FEMALE / #DL11Female33 / DL11Female33 Tag Group
Female with ventral infant. She has a white spot above her left eye. Pretty dark face and body, her left ear looks a bit folded at the top.
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female35 / DL11Female35 Tag Group
She might be a match to Mary.
DL11Female37 / DL11Infant29
ACP0006x2k (more videos in the Tag Group)
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female37 / DL11Female37 Tag Group
She (presumably female) has a long dark face, flattened nose and head baldness. Her right ear has a notch and left ear looks severely damaged. Infant barely seen.
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant30 / DL11Infant30 Tag Group
Traits barely visible, s/he might be a match to Tassilo.
DL11Female40 / DL11Infant31
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female40 / DL11Female40 Tag Group
this family reminds a bit of DL11Female1 ´family. She has the same brows with a small dip, extended baldness and uneven (wavy) forehead and a fur that looks somehow not so smooth. Ears are present and stick out.
DL11Female41 / DL11Infant32
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female41 / DL11Female41 Tag Group
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Infant32 / DL11Infant32 Tag Group
Robust adult female with a dark face, slightly curved black brows, oval muzzle and round nostrils. Her ears look ok.
DL11Female42 / DL11Infant33
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female42 / DL11Female42 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant33 / DL11Infant33 Tag Group
Adult female with a big ventral infant. She has three round bald patches on the left side of her back.
DL11Female43/ DL11Infant34
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female43 / DL11Female43 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant34 / DL11Infant34 Tag Group
Adult female with a small ventral infant. She has very dark back and hind limbs. She seems to have a big bald patch on her forehead.
DL11Female44/ DL11Infant35
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female44 / DL11Female44 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant35 / DL11Infant35 Tag Group
Adult female with a dorsal infant. Her back and hind legs are very pale with scars.
DL11Female45/ DL11Infant37
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female45 / DL11Female45 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant37 / DL11Infant37 Tag Group
Adult female carrying a dorsal infant. She seems to be very bald on her forehead.
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female46 / DL11Female46 Tag Group
She is quite thin, looks like a late adolescent. Light face and big and light ears.
DL11Female47 / DL11Infant38
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female47 / DL11Female47 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant38 / DL11Infant38 Tag Group
She has a quite bald back and hind legs. She is carrying a big infant dorsally.
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female48 / DL11Female48 Tag Group
She is a thin young female. Her face and ears are light.
DL11Female49 / DL11Infant39
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female49 / DL11Female49 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant39 / DL11Infant39 Tag Group
Robust and very dark female. Her brows look quite straight. She has a triangular bald spot on her forehead. Her big infant rides dorsally.
DL11Female50 / DL11Infant40
FEMALE / ADULT / #DL11Female50 / DL11Female50 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #DL11Infant40 / DL11Infant40 Tag Group
Adult female with a bald back. She has two white spots on the left side of her back. She has a big ventral infant. She walks with Piki.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
(former DL11Male2)
ADULT / MALE / #Marty / Marty Tag Group
Marty is a small male, dark body hair, paler and smooth-looking muzzle, bald-ish spot right in the center of his forehead, and a bright spot in the middle of his scrotum
ACP00072ko (more videos in the Tag Group)
ADULT / MALE / #Thomas / Thomas Tag Group
Thomas is an adult male with a short/squatty body, dark hair, a long gait, very large/swollen testicles, light patch on the butt, pinkish face, long chin, and ears that curve forward at the top.
(former DL11Male1, DL11Male7, DL11Male11)
ACP0006c5e (More videos in the Tag Group)
ADULT / MALE / #Strax / Strax Tag Group
Strax has almost perfectly straight brows, a darker eye area, a lighter smooth looking muzzle with no discoloration, and a medium build. Ears are high set, large, and round. His head is relatively low, giving the impression he's almost shrugging his shoulders a bit.
(former DL11Male4/5)
ACP00064q5 / ACP0006myg (more videos in the tag group)
MALE / ADULT / #Thorin / Thorin Tag Group
Thorin is a male with a grey back with a sort of distinctive tall/narrow black area above the anus. Flat-ish face with white beard and dark lips. Robust with a bit of a tummy.
(former Notable Male1)
ACP0006v6m (more videos in the Tag Group)
MALE / ADULT / #Boone / Boone Tag Group
Boone has two distinctive bald spots on his rear.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
ACP00064q5 (more videos in the Tag Group)
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male3 / DL11Male3 Tag Group
grayish back and a gray crest. His right ear is present and whole, brows quite straigt, lighter colored muzzle.
ACP0006vaq / ACP0006var (more videos in the Tag Group).
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male6 / DL11Male6 Tag Group
He is a quite robust male, straight brows, and has a small spot on the left side above his upper lip.
ACP0006t07 (more videos in the Tag Group)
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male8 / DL11Male8 Tag Group
Slightly robust male, face is apparently depigmented (or might be debris). He may have an irregular left ear. The top seems thicker or bulkier (unclear).
ACP00073yb (more videos in the tag group)
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male9 / DL11Male9 Tag Group
Robust male, dark face and brows. Left ear looks ok (hard to see).
ACP0006nwk (more videos in the Tag Group)
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male10 / DL11Male10 Tag Group
Adult, small-medium dark body, very light gray face with whiter muzzle, marked prognathism, dark hollow cheekbones, both ears appear intact with a large normal right ear that is more pink than face, very straight light brow.
He is known to ba a male because the juvenile is pant-grunting submissively to him. His gender is discussed here:
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male12 / DL11Male12 Tag Group
light, straight brow, the gray face, head shape and body proportions, no baldness, the large pink ear set far back on the head, and the dark indention at the cheekbone all these traits similar to DL11Male10´s.
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male13 / DL11Male13 Tag Group
He looks slightly old, his back is hairless and quite patchy with some scars.
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male14 / DL11Male14 Tag Group
He is a robust adult male. He seems to have a small white spot under his right ear.
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male15 / DL11Male15 Tag Group
He looks quite young, no bald back but on his forehead. He has a light face.
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male16 / DL11Male16 Tag Group
He seems to be limping on his left leg.
MALE / ADULT / #DL11Male17 / DL11Male17 Tag Group
Big and very dark male. He looks like a late adolescent; his ears are still big and slightly light. His face is light and long.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
(former DL11Juv4 / DL11Juv8)
ACP00064om / ACP00064oq (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Piki / Piki Tag Group
Piki is big juvenile, large face and nostrils, regular face pigmentation. No baldness seen. S/he likes to climb 😃
(former DL11Juv12 / DL11Juv18)
ACP00064om (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Shadow / Shadow Tag Group
Shadow is a big juvenile with dark and large muzzle. Not very big nostrils. Regular round ears and protruded brows. S/he has a small spot on right wrist.
(former DL11Juv5)
ACP00064o1 (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Kibu / Kibu Tag Group
Kibu is a big juvenile, large face and nostrils, regular face pigmentation. No baldness seen.
(former DL11Juv6 + DL11Juv11)
ACP00079ut (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Rowney / Rowney Tag Group
Rowney has long hair, rather narrow face with lighter muzzle, triangular right ear. Walks together with Raminta and infant.
(former DL11Juv15)
MALE / JUVENILE / #Crispin / Crispin Tag Group
Crispin a big juvenile and has got quite a large face, dark pigmetation in the eye area. Muzzle quite dark with some depigmentation patterns. Brows look thin and dark too. Ears are regularly round.
Former Tag Groups:
- MALE / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv15 / DL11Juv15 Tag Group
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
ACP0007a94 (more videos in the tag group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv1 / DL11Juv1 Tag Group
Juvenile with long and dark face and a small white spot at the right side of the nose. Regular pinkish ears.
ACP00070dl / ACP00070dm (more videos in the tag group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv2 / DL11Juv2 Tag Group
Big juvenile with very dark fur, protuded brows and quite regular face pigmentation. Small white spots under nose.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv3 / DL11Juv3 Tag Group
Juvenile chimp with a dark face, rounder brows, a very round muzzle that is lighter, big ears.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv7 / DL11Juv7 Tag Group
Juvenile walking with DL11Female12. Potential match to DL11Juv1.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv9 / DL11Juv9 Tag Group
Juvenile with long and dark face, big and round ears. Tufted sides of the face. Regular pigmentation. S/he is the one behind the mound.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv10 / DL11Juv10 Tag Group
Big juvenile with high forehead, round brows, pink muzzle and dark fur with maybe some grey strands in it. Left ear is ok
ACP00078ck(more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv13 / DL11Juv13 Tag Group
Big juvenile with long face, pinkish face and eye area a bit darker. Round pinkish ears. No baldness visible. The Juvenile13 is the one on the right side of the mound.
ACP00072fg (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv14 / DL11Juv14 Tag Group
S/he´s got a squared face, dark mask around the eyes, protruded, round and a bit crearer brows, with something that looks like a small horizontal scar on the left brow, regular round ears, two whitish spots under the nose, large nostrils. No body baldness visible.
ACP00072fh (more videos in the Tag Group)
MALE (?) / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv15 / DL11Juv15 Tag Group
S/he´s a big juvenile and has got quite a large face, dark pigmetation in the eye area. Muzzle quite dark with some depigmentation patterns. Brows look thin and dark too. Ears are regularly round.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv16 / #DL11Juv16 Tag Group
Big juvenile, long and pinkish face. Straight, pink and protruded brows.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv17 / DL11Juv17 Tag Group
S/he walks behind Juvenile16 and Jean and Dorian. Juv17 is a bit bigger than Juv16.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv19 / DL11Juv19 Tag Group
Big juvenile that might be a match to DL11Juv5 (Kibu).
ACP00074eu (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv20 / DL11Juv20 Tag Group
possible match to DL11Juv16
ACP00074ey (more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv21 / DL11Juv21 Tag Group
might be a match to DL11Juv17
MALE / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv22 / DL11Juv22 Tag Group
He is a big juvenile, has an inward bump on the outside of the ear, and a straight and light browline. Dark eye area with some depigmentation.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv23 / DL11Juv23 Tag Group
Big juvenile walking alone. Long pinkish muzzle, dark eye area and straight, protruded pinkish brows. His/her right ear seems to have a crinkle.
ACP0006krr(more videos in the Tag Group)
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv24 / DL11Juv24 Tag Group
Very large juvenile, lighter muzzle, darker eye area, fairly straight brows, large nostrils. S/he seems to be missing a lot of hair on the front of the right forearm and left inner bicep
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv25 / DL11Juv25 Tag Group
Long fur, dark face, light and protruding muzzle. He/she is proposed as a match to Juv2,3,23 and 24 in the list of possible matches:
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv26 / 'DL11Juv26
this family reminds a bit of DL11Female1 ´family. She has the same brows with a small dip, extended baldness and uneven (wavy) forehead and a fur that looks somehow not so smooth. Ears are present and stick out.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv27 / DL11Juv27 Tag Group
this family reminds a bit of DL11Female1 ´family. She has the same brows with a small dip, extended baldness and uneven (wavy) forehead and a fur that looks somehow not so smooth. Ears are present and stick out.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv28 / DL11Juv28 Tag Group
S/he is a large juvenile. Long light muzzle. Ears look ok. Round and lighter brows.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv29 / DL11Juv29 Tag Group
Juvenile seen with DL11Juv14 and thought to be Crispin. The round ears point out.
MALE / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv30 / DL11Juv30 Tag Group
Male juvenile following DL11Female42 & DL11Infant33.
MALE / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv31 / DL11Juv31 Tag Group
Male juvenile seen with Tyra and Tobby. He has big nostrils and a long muzzle. His brows look curved and light.
MALE / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv32 / DL11Juv32 Tag Group
Male slightly lean juvenile, follows DL11Male12.
FEMALE / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv33 / DL11Juv33 Tag Group
Small female juvenile (or late infant) walking alone (but very likely following a female adult).
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #DL11Juv34 / DL11Juv34 Tag Group
( on the left) Medium-sized juvenile. S/he has straight brows and oval muzzle.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
Other notable individuals, hopefully we can match them later
NOTABLE FAMILY 1 IS NOW DL11Female40 family
ACP0007aq2 / ACP0007aq3 / ACP0007apq
ACP00077xc / ACP00077xd / ACP00077xe
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
Let´s wait for a better chance to ID
- DL11UNCLEAR01 is now DL11Male10. Gender explanation:
Adult and very dark chimp, with a white beard and straight brows. S/he might be a female but it´s unclear. See discussion here: