Chimp & See Talk

DBMale02b = DBMale02bbis?

  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Discussion about DBmale02b


  • hoothoot by hoothoot

    The brows of DBMale02 are more straight than round and look almost pointy at the outer sides (better seen in ACP00087hk at approximately 0:01). Also there seems to be something - like a scar or a pigmentation - at those outer edges.
    I do not see all this in the male in ACP0007h6m

    enter image description here


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator in response to hoothoot's comment.

    Hi @hoothoot ,

    this proposal was made between DBMale02b and DBMale02bbis (ACP0007h6m)

    What do you think about them? thanks 😉


  • hoothoot by hoothoot

    Oooops, my bad !

    A trait Male02b and Male02bbis share is that their ears are big and that they stick out. It says in the official list that Male02bbis is considered a match to Male02b due to a button on his left ear. While I'm not really sure about this button for Male02bbis, the ear of Male02b seems very undamaged and round to me; maybe the top rims are a little wider, which makes it appear a little dented. Appart from the "button", the ear of Male02bbis looks very round.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    exactly, we were talking about a small "bend" in the top edge of the left ear. And that they look very similar, very round face, same body shape...
