Chimp & See Talk

Robin tag group

  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @maureenmccarthy,

    your tag group for Robin (a known female from Restless Star) also includes two videos for forest robins (the bird species).

    I think, we should clean this up, it is a bit confusing. You could amend your tag group to exclude either the #forest or the #bird hashtag, then these videos should stay outside the tag group. (@NuriaM did the same with the Olive tag group - include #Olive, exclude #baboon). Another possibility would be to require also the chimp tag as prerequisite to get into the tag group (include #Robin and include #chimp). Of course, if you want to have it this way for any other purposes, it's your decision.



  • maureenmccarthy by maureenmccarthy scientist, moderator

    Don't all of the Robin chimp videos already have the #chimp hashtag?


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator in response to maureenmccarthy's comment.

    Yeah, sure. But your tag group doesn't look for this. It only cares for the #Robin tag and so also includes the birds. You need to scan for both or exclude videos based on other tags that don't go with the Robin videos.


  • maureenmccarthy by maureenmccarthy scientist, moderator

    Sure, it's taken care of now.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator in response to maureenmccarthy's comment.

    Great! Thank you so much, it was just so confusing before!


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    Thanks Anja for pointing this out and Maureen for taking care of it 😃
