Identifiable chimps at Cold Fire
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
Hi everyone,
@AnLand and I have been checking the chimp video list of Cold Fire and we have come up with a list of videos containing chimps that we agreed that could be identifiable but havenĀ“t been yet.
We would like to discuss with you about the possibility of those chimps being "new" or a match to any of the known or prospective chimps in the PROSPECTIVE / KNOWN CHIMPS list.
If you would like to put your 2 cents on any of the videos below, just open a new thread specifying the video code you want to discuss about and your guess. You can also add a link to any other old thread that might be relevant.
1 ACP000b27l 0007_0 : Gardi + Pat
2 ACP000b26n 0008_0 : CFFem20 & CFInf20
ACP000b270 0008_30 : Gardi + Pat3 ACP000b2gq 0017_0
ACP000b2gt 0017_15 : Jono4 ACP000b2di 0063_0
ACP000b2dj 0063_15 : Jono5 ACP000b1su 0039_0
ACP000b1sv 0039_156 ACP000ay6m 0008_30
ACP000ay6n 0008_457 ACP000ay9h 0036_0
ACP000ay9j 0036_15:
Henry8 ACP000ay7x 0051_0 : Diamond & CFinf06
9 ACP000aygk 0052_0 + 94 ACP000awpl 0052_0 (duplicates): Youle & Yoyo
10 ACP000ay6p 0066_0 : Henry
11 ACP000ayfz 0076_0 : CFFem08 & CFInf08
12 ACP000b6c9 0051_30
ACP000b6ca 0051_45 : Mr.Chow13 ACP000b6dn 0053_0
ACP000b6do 0053_15
ACP000b6dp 0053_30 : CFFem09 & CFInf0914 ACP000b67k 0093_0
ACP000b67l 0093_15
ACP000b67m 0093_30
ACP000b67n 0093_45 : CFFem10 & CFInf1015 ACP000b6cv 0094_0
ACP000b6cw 0094_15
ACP000b6cx 0094_30 : Homare, CFInf0716 ACP000b6i6 0105_15
ACP000b6ia 0105_45 : Nyack and James17 ACP000b67w 0123_0
ACP000b67x 0123_15
ACP000b67z 0123_30
ACP000b681 0123_45 : Homare & CFInf0718 ACP000b68w 0124_0
ACP000b68x 0124_15
ACP000b68y 0124_30 : Homare & CFInf0719 ACP000b343 0030_0 : Henry
20 ACP000b3eu 0046_0 : Henry
21 ACP000b38y 0051_0
ACP000b390 0051_15
ACP000b392 0051_30
ACP000b394 0051_45 : Elvis22 ACP000b3hf 0092_0 : CFMale10
23 ACP000b2vs 0009_0
ACP000b2vt 0009_15 : Homare & CFInf07
ACP000b2vv 0009_45 : CFFem14 & CFInf1424 ACP000b2vy 0012_0
ACP000b2w0 0012_15
ACP000b2w2 0012_30
ACP000b2w3 0012_45 : CFFem11 & CFInf11, CFJuv0625 ACP000b2vf 0057_0
ACP000b2vi 0057_15
ACP000b2vk 0057_3026 ACP000b2q0 0010_0
ACP000b2q1 0010_15 : Henry27 ACP000b2p2 0011_0
ACP000b2p4 0011_15
ACP000b2p7 0011_30
ACP000b2p9 0011_45 : CFMale1128 ACP000b2lm 0019_0
ACP000b2ln 0019_15
ACP000b2lp 0019_30 : Matteo29 ACP000b2s0 0022_0
ACP000b2s1 0022_15
ACP000b2s2 0022_30 : CFMale1230 ACP000b2on 0056_0
ACP000b2op 0056_15 : CFJuv0731 ACP000b2p0 0064_0
ACP000b2p1 0064_15
ACP000b2p3 0064_30
ACP000b2p5 0064_45 : Nyack32 ACP000b65v 0005_45 : Matteo
33 ACP000b61r 0008_0 : CFMale16
34 ACP000b65z 0040_45 : unidentifiable
35 ACP000b648 0046_0
ACP000b649 0046_15
ACP000b64a 0046_30
ACP000b64b 0046_45 : Henry36 ACP000bbds 0006_0
ACP000bbdt 0006_15
ACP000bbdv 0006_30
ACP000bbdy 0006_45 : Ayana, Amiri37 ACP000bbf4 0048_0
ACP000bbf5 0048_15
ACP000bbf6 0048_30
ACP000bbf8 0048_45 : Dash38 ACP000baa0 0005_0
ACP000ba9q 0007_30
ACP000ba9r 0007_45 : CFMale18, CFMale1939 ACP000ba74 0008_0
ACP000ba76 0008_15
ACP000ba78 0008_30 : CFFem17 & CFInf1740 ACP000ba91 0010_0 : unidentifiable
41 ACP000ba7l 0012_0
ACP000ba7o 0012_15
ACP000ba7r 0012_30 : Luise42 ACP000baa4 0016_0
ACP000baa5 0016_1543 ACP000ba8g 0024_0 : Mr.Chow
44 ACP000ba6v 0025_0 : we agreed on unidentifiable
45 ACP000b7f7 0007_0
ACP000b7f9 0007_15 : CFFem1246 ACP000bbbb 0041_0
ACP000bbbd 0041_15 : CFMale1347 ACP000bavq 0254_0 : Matteo
48 ACP000bacy 0265_0
ACP000bacz 0265_15
ACP000bad0 0265_30
ACP000bad1 0265_45 : CFMale1449 ACP000bb40 0285_0 : James
50 ACP000baq6 0299_0 : James, Johnny
51 ACP000b7cm 0031_45 : CFMale13
52 ACP000b777 0135_45 : Gita
53 ACP000b7bz 0188_0
54 ACP000b7bn 0200_0
ACP000b7bo 0200_15
ACP000b7bp 0200_30
ACP000b7br 0200_45 : CFMale1455 ACP000b72f 0241_0 : Nyack
56 ACP000b3t6 0594_0
ACP000b3t7 0594_15
ACP000b3t9 0594_30
ACP000b3tb 0594_45 : CFFem13 & CFInf1357 ACP000b8i2 0261_45 : CFMale15
58 ACP000bboz 0034_0
ACP000bbp0 0034_1559 ACP000bbrc 0060_45
60 ACP000bbrj 0067_0
ACP000bbrk 0067_15 : Homare & CFInf0761 ACP000b86z 0050_0
ACP000b870 0050_1562 ACP000bczv 0004_0
ACP000bczx 0004_15 : CFFem18 + CFInf1863 ACP000bd1x 0010_15
64 ACP000bcyl 0013_0
ACP000bcym 0013_15
ACP000bcyn 0013_30
ACP000bcyp 0013_45 : CFFem19 + CFInf1965 ACP000bczn 0029_30
ACP000bczo 0029_45
ACP000bcz1 0030_066 ACP000bckb 0246_30
67 ACP000asl2 0011_0
ACP000asl4 0011_15 : Youle, Yoyo68 ACP000avp7 0032_0 : Halloweenie
69 ACP000avo6 0081_0
ACP000avo7 0081_15 : Henry70 ACP000aswu 0014_0 : Matteo
71 ACP000av1a 0082_15
ACP000av1c 0082_30 : CFFem15, CFInf15, CFJuv0872 ACP000avm0 0153_0
ACP000avm2 0153_15
ACP000avm4 0153_30
ACP000avm5 0153_45 : CFUnclear0673 ACP000av1m 0193_0
ACP000av1n 0193_15 : Halloweenie74 ACP000av4c 0206_0
ACP000av4e 0206_15 : Henry75 ACP000avfb 0217_45 : unidentifiable
76 ACP000avjw 0277_0
ACP000avjz 0277_15
ACP000avk0 0277_30
ACP000avk3 0277_45 : CFMale1777 ACP000avhg 0278_0
ACP000avhh 0278_15
ACP000avhi 0278_30
ACP000avhj 0278_45 : CFMale1778 ACP000auru 0279_0
ACP000aurv 0279_15
ACP000aurw 0279_30
ACP000aurx 0279_45 : CFMale1779 ACP000avew 0280_0
ACP000avex 0280_15
ACP000avey 0280_30
ACP000avez 0280_45 : CFMale1780 ACP000awew 0023_15
ACP000awey 0023_30
ACP000awf0 0023_45 : CFMale2081 ACP000awcx 0024_0 : CFMale20
82 ACP000awaq 0063_0
ACP000awas 0063_15
ACP000awaw 0063_45 : CFFem1683 ACP000awf1 0068_0 : Henry
84 ACP000atxu 0070_0 : Henry
85 ACP000au28 0076_0 : Ayana, Amiri
86 ACP000atri 0005_0
87 ACP000asr1 0038_0
ACP000asr5 0038_1588 ACP000at54 0005_0
ACP000at55 0005_15
ACP000at56 0005_30
ACP000at57 0005_4589 ACP000aufu 0120_0
ACP000aufv 0120_15
ACP000aufw 0120_30
ACP000aufy 0120_45
ACP000aua3 0121_0
ACP000aua5 0121_15 : Ayana90 ACP000awj7 0008_30
ACP000awja 0008_4591 ACP000awhw 0013_0 : unidentifiable
92 ACP000awkx 0036_0
ACP000awky 0036_15 : Henry93 ACP000awk0 0051_0 : Diamond & CFInf06
95 ACP000awij 0066_0
96 ACP000awpd 0076_0 : CFFem08 & CFInf08
97 ACP000aw3n 0022_0 : Henry
98 ACP000axsd 0106_0
ACP000axse 0106_15
ACP000axsf 0106_30
ACP000axsg 0106_45
ACP000axnd 0107_0
ACP000axne 0107_15
ACP000axnf 0107_30
ACP000axng 0107_4599 ACP000b03b 0072_0
ACP000b03c 0072_15Posted
by AnLand moderator
74 ACP000av4c 0206_0 ACP000av4e 0206_15
I was going to write that this should be Henry, but it seems that @northernlimitptv already agreed in - so I don't open a new discussion for this. Maybe we need to check this discussion as she agreed to a number of videos in that thread.
by AnLand moderator
90 ACP000awj7 0008_30 ACP000awja 0008_45
This is a duplicate of ACP000ay6m and there identified as Diamond and CFInf06
by AnLand moderator
91 ACP000awhw 0013_0
Is a duplicate of ACP000ay4s. There @maureenmccarthy identified him as likely Mr. Chow.
by AnLand moderator
93 ACP000awk0 0051_0
Is a duplicate of ACP000ay7x and here identified as Diamond and CFInf06. I did not tag anything for the duplicates here.
by AnLand moderator
94 ACP000awpl 0052_0 and 9 ACP000aygk 0052_0 are also duplicates. No decision yet on this one, but I posted this information also in the thread to not forget it later.
by AnLand moderator
95 ACP000awij 0066_0
Is already correctly tagged as it is a duplicate for ACP000ay6p and could be marked here as solved. The other chimp present is unidentifiable.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to AnLand's comment.
thank you Anja