Chimp & See Talk

10. ACP000ay6p : Henry

  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    What about this guy in ACP000ay6p ?

    enter image description here

    he is a robust adult male. Very dark in general, with no or very few white beard hairs. His back is dark too.

    The robust known males in our list are Porter, Henry and Elvis. Sorry, I really have no clue, it could be any of! ๐Ÿ˜’


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Oh that's not much! Just some thoughts:

    Porter misses his left hand. Would he not climb with his right hand up in the tree? His butt is quite prominent, a bit pointy and a little brighter than the rest of his back. See ACP000avg4 and ACP000avz9

    Elvis: same thing with his butt: very pointy callousy cushions and brighter than the rest of the back. And he's got a real big belly from all this figues. See ACP000b3ay and ACP000b3n9

    Henry: Seems to be the most likely to me because of the overall appearance and the color of the butt: mostly black, only a little bit brither above and nothing so obviously sticking out like with the other two. See ACP000at56

    Brought to you by your buttologist ๐Ÿ˜‰


    enter image description here


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Boleyn's comment.

    dear buttologist,

    I think you are right, this guy should be Henry. There was also an annotation in the chimp list pointing this out.

    If thereยดs no disagreemente, I am tagging him.

    Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
