Chimp & See Talk

Female with infant followed by juvenile

  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @PauDG,

    please see the matching comments in the linked video.

    Just briefly my opinion, I think we can rule out Makena - she is thinner and her follwing juvenile (Jojo-Crann) is much bigger.

    Taiga is a good possibility, but I am a bit irritated by the protruded swelling. We did not see that in Taiga (compare here ACP000gfth).

    The other female that comes to my mind is Sekai, who also has a ventral infant in September 2014. She seems to have a more protruded swelling, but at the moment, I only got a brief look at it in ACP000gfo6


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Hi all.

    I vote for Taiga & AVInf07 and AVJuv15. I think the swellings are similar, just than in this video it is more swollen, but there are 2 months between the 2 videos, so it's normal


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    My guess would also be Taiga and her both infants and I'd rule out Makena for the same reasons.
    We know that Taiga has a juvenile following her and in this video this is quite obviously hers.

    Sekai is considered to be quite young and we couldn't associate a juvenile with her.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Ah, OK, I always assume that they would not cycle for quite some time after giving birth. But I guess nature does not always keep strictly to the rule. 😉


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Great. And thanks a lot @Baftan for you proposal!
