by AnLand moderator
This is the list of prospective and known leopards from all Chimp&See research sites.
Prospective leopards are leopards that have been seen only once so far, or we haven't yet approved a match with another prospective leopard. Known leopards have been seen at least twice in independent video sequences. The known leopards are usually named by the volunteers.
When you find a leopard video, please use this list and the linked discussions about individual leopards to compare your leopard with the individuals in this list. When we think it is a brand new leopard and not yet in this list, we will assign a new temporary ID to facilitate discussions.
Temporary IDs will contain an indication of the sex of the individual, the site name, and a number (e.g., #LeoMaleAV01, #LeoFemAV01, #LeoUnclearAV01 for a male / female / unclear sex individual from Aged Violet, respectively). Leopards are territorial, so for the temporary IDs we will assume that the leopards are unique to a site. We will need to check this assumption later for research sites that are close to each other.
Even if you find it hard to match a leopard yourself, please get involved by just opening a new discussion and post a good screenshot of this individual. This way, others can jump in and discuss your video immediately.
Thanks a lot for your help!
by AnLand moderator
Known Female Leopards
ACP00005oj / ACP00004xq / ACP00004xu
FEMALE / ADULT / #Saoirse / Saoirse Tag Group
An adult female leopard identified due to a matching fur pattern on the right hindlimb (the "horseshoe" pattern). Both sequences show the matching back side. Additionally the right body side is visible. She has been seen at Quiet Wood
ACP0000c3d / ACP0000b3x / ACP0000d0e
FEMALE / ADULT / #Skye / Skye Tag Group
Adult leopard of female sex. Badly lighted video with an acceptable view on the back side. As camera footage from a paired camera in close vicinity exists, we also have a front view. She has been suggested to be a match of LeoUnclearQW02 and LeoUnclearQW02b, based on the spot pattern on the right hindlimb. We think, this is none of the other identified leopards at this site, because of a different spot pattern on the right hind limb. This leopard has been seen at Quiet Wood.
ACP000ecv1 / ACP000ecvh / ACP000ecvj / ACP000f0ad
FEMALE / SUBADULT / #Puck / Puck Tag Group
Former tag groups: LeoFemAV01 / LeoUnclearAV01
We think that this is a subadult female because this individual looks quite small. Testicles are not seen. There are multiple good views of the fur pattern and the face. We matched her based mainly on the fur pattern of the right hindlimb (view from the front), but did take facial markers and the "collar" spots into account. She has been seen at Aged Violet.
by AnLand moderator
Known Male Leopards
ACP0002inf / ACP000251i / ACP0002imw / ACP0002ine (more in tag group)
MALE / ADULT / #Marek / Marek Tag Group
Adult male leopard, matched based on the fur pattern of the left hind limb. He has been seen at Cool Silence.
MALE / ADULT / #Iskandar / Iskandar Tag Group
Adult male leopard, identified due to an apparent injury on the tail, spine, or left hindlimb. We assumed an injury because of his strange gait. The fur pattern has not been assessed yet. He has been seen at Muddy Frost.
ACP000054a / ACP000054d / ACP00008k1
MALE / ADULT / #Shakti / Shakti Tag Group
ongoing discussion about Shakti
An adult male leopard identified due to a matching fur pattern on the right hind limb. The spot pattern on the back excludes a match to Tau. He also has a different (more robust and rounder) body built. Both sequences show the matching back side. He has been seen at Quiet Wood.
ACP0000b6j / ACP0000c6d / ACP0000338 / ACP0000339 / ACP0000alu / ACP0000bkr (more in tag group)
MALE / ADULT / #Tau / Tau Tag Group
Former tag groups LeoMaleQW01, LeoUnclearQW01, LeoUnclearQW01b
Adult male leopard of average size. The match is based on the fur pattern of the left hindlimb. There are multiple views of the body from different perspectives, but only in black and white footage. He has been seen at Quiet Wood.
ACP000eqwl / ACP000fhvu / ACP000emv2 / ACP000fi4i / ACP000ei0x
MALE / ADULT / #Jelani / Jelani Tag Group
Former tag group: LeoMaleAV01
ongoing discussion about LeoMaleAV01
Big adult male leopard, identified by the fur pattern on the upper tail. Decent views of other body sides. He has been seen at Aged Violet.
ACP000f45e / ACP000fypm / ACP000fypn
MALE / ADULT / #Kani / Kani Tag Group
previously LeoMaleAV02
Big adult male leopard. He has been matched based on the spot pattern on both hind legs (back view). He has been seen twice so far and allowed some good views on several body sites incl. the face. He is not Jelani (LeoMaleAV01) because of a different spot pattern on the left hindlimb. He has been seen at Aged Violet.
ACP000e1gk / ACP000fipa / ACP000fl3u / ACP000frfe
MALE / ADULT / #Kito / Kito Tag Group
previously #LeoMaleAV05, b, c, d
A male adult leopard matched because of a corresponding fur pattern on the left hind limb. All sequences show the matching back side. We excluded a match to the other male leopards at this site who display a different spot pattern. He has been seen at Aged Violet.
by AnLand moderator
Prospective Female Leopards
ACP0004tjf / ACP0004tjg / ACP0004tjr / ACP0004tjs / ACP0004tjt / ACP0004tju
FEMALE / ADULT / #LeoFemMF01 / LeoFemMF01 Tag Group
ongoing discussion about LeoFemMF01
Adult female leopard, seen marking and hunting. Multiple views of body sides, back, and face. She has been seen at Muddy Frost.
FEMALE / ADULT / #LeoFemMF02 / LeoFemMF02 Tag Group
ongoing discussion about LeoFemMF02
Adult female leopard with a slightly polygonic fur pattern. Only left side of the body is seen and the face. She has been seen at Muddy Frost.
by AnLand moderator
Prospective Male Leopards
MALE / ADULT / #LeoMaleDL01 / LeoMaleDL01 Tag Group
Big adult male leopard. Although some dark spots are seen at all legs, the core body and flanks seem to be strangely evenly and lightly colored without the typical dark rosettes visible. There are several possible explanations for this: erythrism (reddish "strawberry" pigmentation instead of usual dark rosettes) or a skin disease (e.g., mange) causing the loss of fur (see linked discussion).
MALE / ADULT / #LeoMaleAV03 / LeoMaleAV03 Tag Group
ongoing discussion about LeoMaleAV03
Prospective adult male leopard. Night video that shows his right and back side. He has been seen at Aged Violet.
MALE / ADULT / #LeoMaleAV04 / LeoMaleAV04 Tag Group
Adult male leopard. He is quite thin and seems to have a broken tail in Januray 2015. He has been seen at Aged Violet.
by AnLand moderator
Prospective Leopards (unclear sex)
by AnLand moderator
Known Leopards (unclear sex)
ACP0007hh4 / ACP0007hh7 / ACP0007i1o
FEMALE? / ADULT / #Shiva (previously #LeoUnclearDB01) / Shiva Tag Group
Adult leopard of unclear sex. Small body built suggests female. The spot pattern of the face has been matched. The leopard has been seen at Dawn Bird.