Chimp & See Talk

Saoirse - Female Leopard at Quiet wood??

  • squish5 by squish5

    Trying to match this female in quietwood. Look for horseshoe shape on right hindlimb.Does not match Tau or other proposed.

    Main pic- ACP00005oj
    Insert- ACP00004xq

    enter image description here


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    This looks very promising to me! (I also kind of suspected this ...). The horseshoe pattern and several other spots look pretty much alike to me. Thanks @squish5!

    As I am quite confident that this is indeed a female (generally smaller body size, but fully grown, no testicles visible), she will be LeoFemQW01 ( ACP00005oj ) and LeoFemQW01b ( ACP00004xq and ACP00004xu).

    Let's get some more opinions about this proposal!


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Good one @squish5! I can see the horseshoe as well and I'm quietly wondering whether there are some kicking horses at Agedviolet?? 8)

    I think I can also see the same pattern on the backside of her left foreleg. I have no time to make pics now but just wanted to post it.


  • zoogirl1 by zoogirl1

    Those two are a match to each other I believe.


  • squish5 by squish5 in response to Boleyn's comment.

    LOL My bet is a duiker with a funky shoe, a very brave duiker with a funky shoe πŸ˜ƒ


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator in response to squish5's comment.

    very funky and VERY brave πŸ˜„


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    OK, we have an agreement here and can name this lovely female. @squish5, you suggested the match and therefore you can name. What should we call her?

    (As we are ready to name, I will add her to our list in the known section and will not give a temp ID.)


  • squish5 by squish5

    Awesome πŸ˜ƒ I'll go with one more Irish name, Saoirse (seer-sha) Thanks!!


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    That is such a great name! Do you know that we already have a chimp named Saor? I think that was an Irish naming as well. How nice!


  • squish5 by squish5 in response to AnLand's comment.

    I spotted that while checking the names and thought the same. Don't know if its Irish (was never my strong subject) πŸ˜ƒ


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    Great name @squish5!

    I had to google the meaning of the name and that's what says:

    Irish word saoirse β€œfreedom, liberty.” It has only been used since the 1920s and has strong patriotic overtones.
    That's a real good fit for our leopard lady me thinks πŸ˜‰


  • squish5 by squish5 in response to Boleyn's comment.

    Thanks @Boleyn, I did not know this πŸ˜ƒ
