Chimp & See Talk

IS GSMale13 Eliot?

  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    I think the other male in ACP000dn63 / ACP000dn66 (now GSMale13) is Eliot. It's hard to see in the distance, also because the facial color is darker as we would expect. But when he walks towards the camera one sees the lightness. Brows and balding fit.

    Nuria noted that this individual looks younger - I agree - and who else should it be? I am actually pretty sure that Eliot. I looked long into this.

    enter image description here


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to AnLand's comment.

    I´m still not sure about Eliot, but I trust your judgment...I have been trying to find Eliot´s injured hand and I think I can see it 😕

    Not sure, but if there´s some more pro Eliot opinion I will agree on that 😃



  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    hmm...should we maybe rethink this a little? You might rembember that I suggested GSMale13 to be Will because of his looks but it was denied because of Will's left hand missing. Well, I still think Will and GSMale13 could be the same chimp. Why?

    In the left image you can see Will drumming the tree. I can see three fingers and not an entire hand missing thus I think he sometimes bends his fingers inside, maybe to protect them. Now as GSMale13 is proposed to be Eliot couldn't it be possible that Will is also Eliot? I always wondered why we haven't seen more of Will....

    Image: left Will drumming in ACP000dss2 and right GSMale13.

    enter image description here

    So maybe Will is Eliot or GSMale13 is actually Will. Two different chimps or just the one and only Eliot?


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Boleyn's comment.

    Oh my... Heidi I think you might be right. If it is true that Will lacks his left index, we know that Eliot too!

    I have looked for a nice still of Eliot where he looks downwards like Will and GSMale13 in the pics above, and this is what I have found:

    Will ( ACP000dss2 ), GSMale13 ( ACP000dn66 ) and Eliot ( ACP000dr98 ) :

    enter image description here

    Bald patches fit, square and light muzzles fit, darck nose, arc in the centre of his brows. And of course the left "non index" 😦

    What do you guys think?


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    same-same - as Thai people say 😄


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to NuriaM's comment.

    Went back to review this and Anja & Heidi & Nuria, you are right. Good catch! Since I named Will, how about we just correct this by changing his few ID's to the correct ID - Eliot?


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to NuriaM's comment.

    Also, the back views match.

    ACP000dt4a - Rear view "Will", note the lighter arcs (wing-shaped) from top-center to left & right of anus & the tab of skin on left side of his anus. Lighter protrusion of skin seen left-center of anus.

    I conclude that these chimp butts are the same 😉 What say ye?

    enter image description here

    ACP000ds0o - Rear view Eliot, different light but note similar markings & tab of skin.

    enter image description here


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    I say perfect butt - perfect conclusion 😄 Thanks a lot Dawna also for the uncomplicated name handling!!


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    Hey guys, you rock!!

    Dawna, you made me things much easier, and this is great news for a friday morning 😃

    So this is what we do:

    I will keep only "Eliot" for them all (Eliot, Will and GSMale13)

    and I will use "Will" for another chimp still to be named. Here´s what I have thought: there is still an adult male waitin for a name, GSMale11: here´s the thread:

    for some reason this match has been frozen in the rearguard... 😦

    What do you guys think?

    Anja, you were by then proposed to name GSMale11, would you agree on:

    ELIOT = Eliot + Will + GSMale13

    WILL = GSMale11 ?

    Thank you!!


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to NuriaM's comment.

    My thinking is that we should not use the Will name for another chimp in Green Snowflake to avoid confusion. I truly don't mind! How interesting it is that we have so many clips of Eliot hanging out with various chimps but charging Petra at the tree. What's up with that?


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    Good question, Dawna, I wondered too.

    I think he's hanging out with females more often than with males because he's still quite young. Somehow it looks to me as if he's just showing of a bit. Petra certainly looks more astonished than frightened as if she's thinking: what's the lad up to now?

    My interpretation only, I'm sure Nuria will tell us more 😄


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    Oh, what a pity! Will is a beautiful name and we need names at GS. We are often short of namers 😦

    I don´t think it could be so confusing, but what do the others think?

    as for Eliot´s behaviour, I am always a bit cautious when it comes to figuring out a context only by what a camera gives us. Eiot is a young adult, and: quote Maureen:

    It's common for young adult males to charge around a lot and show off as
    they try and work their way up the hierarchy (which, after all, means
    showing his dominance over all the females first).

    Eliot might not be charging at Petra, but charging in general, and Petra is on his way, which gives him great chance to intimidate her.


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    ha! males... 😦 😉


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Boleyn's comment.



  • vittoriaestienne by vittoriaestienne scientist, moderator in response to Boleyn's comment.

    This sounds good to me!


  • Buzharevski by Buzharevski scientist, moderator

    I unstarred this thread. Is seemed to me that all is well 😃
