Chimp & See Talk

Meaning of #repeated

  • Batfan by Batfan

    I've noticed that, in quite a few of the comments, someone has posted #Repeated. Is this just something that the just the Mods use to identify particular features of clips, or is it something that we should all be using if we get a clip that we've already classified? Sorry if this question has already been answered somewhere else - I've had a look for it but couldn't find anything anywhere.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    It is not necessary to use this tag at all. I and several others use it to indicate that we already classified this video before - recognizing that I already tagged this video before and not as a moderator. That means the same video gets up for the same person twice. Which should not be the case as you then have not got independent classifications by different users. I am not sure whether the science team actually does something with this information - I don't think so - , but I like to indicate this, but also don't do always.


  • Batfan by Batfan

    Thanks @Anland. That's useful to know.
