Chimp & See Talk

If you were a chimp which Chimp&See site would you want to live in and why?

  • akalan by akalan scientist

    Just to have some fun! Can be for whatever reason, social, ecological, environmental, etc. 😃


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Red Water, no real reason. Just my first impression of Africa. First sight, first love.


  • LirSam by LirSam scientist

    By far, Filou from Aged Violet! the videos of him with the little ones make me think that there is so much more we don't know about chimpanzees behaviour


  • pinkynz by pinkynz scientist

    There are not yet on chimp&see but I'd go for a lush central african tropical forest! Lots of fruits, no need to invent weird ways to get special food stuff, none of the unbearable dryness of the savanna environment, big beautiful trees, possibly some place without gorillas, elephants and humans...


  • Boleyn by Boleyn moderator

    I missed that yesterday, may I still...? 😉

    From the places I know so far I would pick RestlessStar. The chimps there look so wellfed and peaceful. We see mixed groups, hear excited (welcome?) voices when other chimps climb up the same tree, even hugs between chimps. Although there are elephants, gorillas and humans around, the chimps seem to be quite comfy.
