Chimp & See Talk

Research site "Cold Fire" is finished

  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Thanks to all your great help, we finished annotations at "Cold Fire" already last Wednesday. You might have experienced some "We're out of data" messages. We're sorry for that. It's not true, there are still plenty of data from Dawn Bird and Restless Star!

    While you will get no videos from this site for classification anymore, we're not done matching yet - and naming! Even our most prominent resident - dubbed "skinny Henry" until now - is still waiting for its name.

    enter image description here

    @jwidness wrote a nice blogpost about the highlights and compiled a best-of from the videos we've seen over last months:


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to AnLand's comment.

    Enjoyed the highlights reel @jwidness - I think I may have missed a couple of those. That 'screaming' call was particularly cool 😃
