identifiable chimps review at Cool Silence
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
Hi everyone,
I am going through the identifiable chimp list again, and I have decided to give them temporary IDs until we can hopefully match them. Here I´m going to be posting the new tempIDs to keep you informed, but the identifiable chimp list will be simultaneously updated.
1 #CSMale12 , #CSJuv37 : ACP00021ei
2 #CSJuv38 : ACP00021n9
4 #CSFemale35 & infant, #CSJuv46, #CSFemale36 & infant : ACP00021y7
5 #CSJuv12 & #CSJuv13 : ACP00021wz / ACP00021x0
8 #CSFemale14 : ACP00024pa / ACP00024pb / ACP00024pc
10 #CSMale05 : ACP00025lw / ACP00025lx / ACP00025ly / ACP00025lz
11 #CSFemale15 + #CSJuv40 : ACP00026f5 / ACP00026f6 / ACP00026f7
12 #CSFemale16 + Infant : ACP000273q / ACP000273r / ACP000273s
13 #CSJuv14 : ACP00026zu
14 #CSUnclear01 & #CSFemale17 : ACP00027ds / ACP00027dt
15 #CSFemale18 & Infant : ACP0002756
16 #CSJuv15 : ACP000278i / ACP000278j
17 #CSJuv16 : ACP00027m6 / ACP00027m7
18 #CSJuv17 : ACP00027gw / ACP00027gx
22 #CSJuv41 : ACP00027fh / ACP00027fi / #CSJuv42 : ACP00027fj
25 #CSFemale34 + infant, #CSJuv43 ; ACP000280o / ACP000280p / ACP000280q / ACP000280r
26 #CSFemale19 + infant : ACP000280s
27 #CSFemale20 + infant : ACP00027zw / ACP00027zx / #CSFemale20 + infant + #CSJuv20 : ACP00027zy / ACP00027zz
28 #CSFemale20 + infant : ACP00027zo / ACP00027zp / ACP00027zq / ACP00027zr
29 #CSFemale21 + infant : ACP000280g
30 #CSJuv19 : ACP00028qa
31 #CSFemale22 + Infant, #CSJuv20: ACP00028nm / ACP00028nn / ACP00028no / ACP00028np
32 #CSFemale23 + infant, #CSJuv21 : ACP00028ja
33 #CSUnclear04, #CSJuv44, #CSJuv45 : ACP000297o 0048_0 ACP000297p 0048_15 ACP000297q 0048_30 ACP000297r
34 #CSJuv22 : ACP00029dh
35 #CSFemale24 , #CSMale06 : ACP0002b0r
36 #CSJuv23 : ACP0002avb / ACP0002avc
37 #CSJuv23b : ACP0002avr/ ACP0002avs / ACP0002avt
38 #CSJuv24 : ACP0002avn / ACP0002avo
39 #CSMale13 : ACP0002c6j / ACP0002c6k / ACP0002c6l
40 #CSJuv25 : ACP0002c6n / ACP0002c6o / ACP0002c6p / ACP0002c6q
41 #CSJuv26 , #CSJuv27 : ACP0002bhz / ACP0002bi0 / ACP0002bi1
42 #CSUnclear02 , #CSJuv28 : ACP0002de1 / ACP0002de2 / ACP0002de3 / ACP0002de4
44 #CSMale08 , #CSMale09 : ACP0002f37 / ACP0002f38
45 #CSJuv29 : ACP0002g4e / ACP0002g4f / ACP0002g4g / ACP0002g4h
46 #CSJuv30 : ACP0002gaa / ACP0002gab
47 #CSJuv31 : ACP0002hjj / ACP0002hjk / ACP0002hjl / ACP0002hjm
48 #CSFemale27 + Infant : ACP0002hu9 / ACP0002hua / ACP0002hub / ACP0002huc
49 #CSMale10 : ACP0002j45
50 #CSFemale28 + infant / #CSJuv32 / #CSFemale29 + infant / #CSFemale30 + infant : ACP0002j58 / ACP0002j59 / ACP0002j5a
51 #CSFemale31 + infant : ACP0002l9t
53 #CSMale11 : ACP0002l0t
54 #CSFemale32 + infant, #CSJuv33 , #CSJuv34 , #CSFemale33 + infant , #CSJuv35 : ACP0002p1n
55 #CSJuv36 : ACP0002pze
by AnLand moderator
Hi @NuriaM,
Is it OK to discuss here a temp ID? I do not really agree to #CSUnclear01 ( ACP00027ds and ACP00027dt) - I am actually quite certain that she is a female. And not only because of my match proposal. We do not see testicles or a penis. The body frame is rather lean. She has visible breasts with visible nipples (not extensively worn, but more than I expect in a male) and I also see a swelling in the last second of ACP00027dt. Could we discuss this once more?
by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to AnLand's comment.
Hi @AnLand,
of course we can discuss about it again, Actually, I agree with you, I always thought that it was a female, I see no testicles at all. But as I have already screwed up twice in Green Snowflake, I wanted to be conservative here. But I agree with you that #CSUnclear01 is very likely a female.
Anyone else wants to help us with this?
by Boleyn moderator
Yep, I can see a glimps of a swelling as well in the last second as @AnLand pointed out! I would anyway expect to see a female rather than a male around all these other moms and infants.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Boleyn's comment.
Thanks @Boleyn!
#CSUnclear1 is now #CSFemale25 😃
by AnLand moderator
What do you think about #CSFemale09 ( ACP00021n1 )and #CSFemale17 ( ACP00027ds / ACP00027dt ) - is that the same damage in their left ear? It might be, or? Robust body build, slightly rounded brows, pronounced baldness ... I think, we could look into that.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to AnLand's comment.
Hmmm, they do look similar. CSFemale17´s torn left ear could be like CSFemale09´s, but it´s really hard to tell. Body build and face traits (muzzle shape, brows, coloration) seem to fit.
some more opinions?
Thanks Anja!
by AnLand moderator
The male juvenile in ACP0002j44 still needs an ID - temporary or demographic?
by AnLand moderator
I also would like to discuss again ACP0002itc - a male juvenile that is considerably bigger than all other "Eddys" who are more infant. I think, this is not a match. It's only the one video where the assigned individual is much bigger than the infant.
Here the .
One of the infant Eddys, just two weeks later in ACP00021na
by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to AnLand's comment.
you are right @AnLand, I have excluded him from Eddy´s tag group and given him a new ID: #CSJuv49