Identifiable chimps at Cool Silence
by NuriaM scientist, moderator
Hi everyone,
@AnLand and I have been checking the chimp video list of Cool Silence and we have come up with a list of videos containing chimps that we agreed that could be identifiable but haven been yet.
We would like to discuss with you about the possibility of those chimps being "new" or a match to any of the known or prospective chimps in the PROSPECTIVE / KNOWN CHIMPS list.
Below the list (54 videos in total); as the list is not short, I would prefer to go progresively opening new discussions once one is solved. But suggestions are always very much welcome 😃
Some are single 15 sec. videos, but we have some sequences too; you can see it from the sequence number beside the video code: an example of an entire sequence would be: 0015_0 / 0015_15 / 0015_30 / 0015_45.
As we have already started to discuss about the Shani/Elisa case, and about Dimi and Deka, I think it would be best to solve those issues before starting to discuss about a new one.
**1 #CSMale12 , #CSJuv37 ACP00021ei 0014_0
**2 #CSJuv38 ; ACP00021n9 0061_0
**3: SOLVED: ACP00021ty 0078_0
ACP00021u1 0078_15 : Alexis and Abile**4 #CSFemale35 & infant, #CSJuv46, #CSFemale36 & infant : ACP00021y7 0104_0
**5 #CSJuv12 & #CSJuv13 : ACP00021wz 0110_0
ACP00021x0 0110_156 ACP00021wf 0111_0
7 ACP00024ru 0198_0
ACP00024rv 0198_15**8 #CSFemale14 : ACP00024pa 0228_0
ACP00024pb 0228_15
ACP00024pc 0228_30**9 #CSFemale13 : ACP00025lw (...)
**10 #CSMale05 : ACP00025lw 0016_0
ACP00025lx 0016_15
ACP00025ly 0016_30
ACP00025lz 0016_45**11 #CSFemale15 + #CSJuv40 : ACP00026f5 0070_0
ACP00026f6 0070_15**12 #CSFemale16 + Infant: ACP000273q 0033_0
ACP000273r 0033_15**13 #CSJuv14 : ACP00026zu 0067_0
**14 #CSUnclear01 , #CSFemale17 : ACP00027ds 0044_0
ACP00027dt 0044_15**15 #CSFemale18 & Infant : ACP0002756 0062_0
**16 #CSJuv15 : ACP000278i 0094_0
ACP000278j 0094_15**17 #CSJuv16 : ACP00027m6 0008_0
ACP00027m7 0008_15**18 #CSJuv17 : ACP00027gw 0048_0
ACP00027gx 0048_1519 ACP00027h5 0054_15
ACP00027h6 0054_3020 ACP00027hj 0055_45
21 ACP00027fr 0057_45
**22 #CSJuv41 : ACP00027fh 0059_15
ACP00027fi 0059_30 / #CSJuv42:
ACP00027fj 0059_4523 ACP00027ga 0064_30
24 ACP00027re 0140_15
ACP00027rf 0140_30**25 #CSFemale34 + infant, #CSJuv43 ; ACP000280o 0049_0
ACP000280p 0049_15
ACP000280q 0049_30
ACP000280r 0049_45**26 #CSFemale19 + infant : ACP000280s 0050_0
**27 #CSFemale20 + infant : ACP00027zw 0055_0
ACP00027zx 0055_15 / #CSFemale20 + infant + #CSJuv20
ACP00027zy 0055_30
ACP00027zz 0055_45**28 #CSFemale20 + infant : ACP00027zo 0056_0
ACP00027zp 0056_15
ACP00027zq 0056_30
ACP00027zr 0056_45**29 #CSFemale21 + infant : ACP000280g 0057_0
**30 #CSJuv19 : ACP00028qa 0158_0
**31 #CSFemale22 + Infant, #CSJuv20 : ACP00028nm 0180_0
ACP00028nn 0180_15
ACP00028no 0180_30
ACP00028np 0180_45**32 #CSFemale23 + infant, #CSJuv21 : ACP00028ja 0320_0
**33 #CSUnclear04, #CSJuv44, #CSJuv45 : ACP000297o 0048_0
ACP000297p 0048_15
ACP000297q 0048_30
ACP000297r 0048_45**34 #CSJuv22 : ACP00029dh 0077_15
**35 #CSFemale24 , #CSMale06 :ACP0002b0r 0062_0
**36 #CSJuv23 : ACP0002avb 0111_0
ACP0002avc 0111_15**37 #CSJuv23b : ACP0002avr 0112_0
ACP0002avs 0112_15
ACP0002avt 0112_30**38 #CSJuv24 : ACP0002avn 0113_0
ACP0002avo 0113_15**39 #CSMale13 : ACP0002c6j 0034_0
ACP0002c6k 0034_15
ACP0002c6l 0034_30**40 #CSJuv25 : ACP0002c6n 0035_0
ACP0002c6o 0035_15
ACP0002c6p 0035_30
ACP0002c6q 0035_45**41 #CSJuv26 , #CSJuv27 : ACP0002bhz 0461_0
ACP0002bi0 0461_15
ACP0002bi1 0461_30**42 #CSUnclear02 , #CSJuv28 : ACP0002de1 0058_0
ACP0002de2 0058_15
ACP0002de3 0058_30
ACP0002de4 0058_45**43 #CSUnclear03 , #CSMale07 , #CSFemale26
inf. : ACP0002e3b 0159_0
ACP0002e3c 0159_15**44 #CSMale08 , #CSMale09 : ACP0002f37 0291_0
ACP0002f38 0291_15**45 #CSJuv29 : ACP0002g4e 0007_0
ACP0002g4f 0007_15
ACP0002g4g 0007_30
ACP0002g4h 0007_45**46 #CSJuv30 : ACP0002gaa 0133_0
ACP0002gab 0133_15**47 #CSJuv31 : ACP0002hjj 0090_0
ACP0002hjk 0090_15
ACP0002hjl 0090_30
ACP0002hjm 0090_45**48 #CSFemale27 + Infant : ACP0002hu9 0106_0
ACP0002hua 0106_15
ACP0002hub 0106_30
ACP0002huc 0106_45**49 #CSMale10 : ACP0002j45 0362_15
**50 #CSFemale28 + infant / #CSJuv32 / #CSFemale29 + infant / #CSFemale30 + infant : ACP0002j58 0345_0
ACP0002j59 0345_15
ACP0002j5a 0345_30**51 #CSFemale31 + infant : ACP0002l9t 0052_0
**52 SOLVED : ACP0002la9 0056_0
ACP0002laa 0056_15: : Cassandra**53 #CSMale11 : ACP0002l0t 0076_0
**54 #CSFemale32 + infant, #CSJuv33 , #CSJuv34 , #CSFemale33 + infant , #CSJuv35 : ACP0002p1n 0044_0
**55 #CSJuv36 : ACP0002pze 0005_0
by AnLand moderator
Hi all!
I started to annotate Nuria's list a bit to make it easier to see, which chimpanzees we would like to discuss again. I am not entirely happy with the result (and it's not the full list at the moment), but maybe it is a start.
1 ACP00021ei 0014_0
Two male chimpanzees. In front, a massive one with slightly grayish lower back; in back a young lean one with a light face. The latter might be an adolescent.
2 ACP00021n9 0061_0
A bigger male juvenile. Body form a bit roundish.
3 ACP00021ty 0078_0 ACP00021u1 0078_15
A dark and robust adult female (swelling well seen, maybe comparable), followed by a walking male infant. We probably should check Alexis and Abile, although she is named here Stella.
4 ACP00021y7 0104_0
Two adult females with dorsal infant and a female adolescent. First female: more robust and with a grayish back; second one leaner and dark. Both swellings well visible. Last in this video: Shani and Yasmin.
The adolescent female with a profile face view
Face view of the second female
5 ACP00021wz 0110_0 ACP00021x0 0110_15
We would like to identify the two male adolescents. One with a good face view (and camera reaction) in the first video - on the far right; the second is feeding and seems to have a wadge in his mouth. The second one is smaller, but has very prominent testicles. He shows his face briefly in the second video.
Back view from both male adolescents
6 ACP00021wf 0111_0
An adult female with a protruded swelling is followed by an infant and an older female juvenile (adolescent).
7 ACP00024ru 0198_0 ACP00024rv 0198_15
A mid-sized male juvenile is following #CSFemale12 and her small infant. They might be a family.
8 ACP00024pa 0228_0 ACP00024pb 0228_15 ACP00024pc 0228_30
A young female (adolescent with full body size and swollen) with a light face and dark eye mask.
9: SOLVED: CSFemale13 + infant
10 ACP00025lw 0016_0 ACP00025lx 0016_15 ACP00025ly 0016_30 ACP00025lz 0016_45
A robust dark adult male with a rather flat face, both ears seem undamaged. In the back behind Deka.
11 ACP00026f5 0070_0
An adult female without any offspring around.
12 ACP000273q 0033_0 ACP000273r 0033_15
An adult female with a relatively big ventral infant. Her left ear looks a bit irregular, she is quite bald, thin, and has a round sexual swelling. Good face view in the second video. Might she be Sita? Another individual (a juvenile) is moving in the background after her camera reaction.
13 ACP00026zu 0067_0
A big juvenile (young adolescent) – I think, male – and a robust adult female with a dorsal infant and a protruded female swelling. The right ear of the juvenile seems to have a deformation.
14 ACP00027ds 0044_0 ACP00027dt 0044_15
We think the female midscreen is identifiable. She is not very robust, bald, and has irregular (or damaged) ears. Her forehead is quite flat and the face round. She reminds me a bit of Sita, but her swelling seems to be more protruded.
Additionally, the female leaving first has nick in her left ears. She might be recognizable, too.
The second female behind her
15 ACP0002756 0062_0
A dark adult female with a small round swelling and a big dorsal infant.
16 ACP000278i 0094_0 ACP000278j 0094_15
A bigger juvenile, sex unclear, but with a brief face view.
17 ACP00027m6 0008_0 ACP00027m7 0008_15
Next to Abile is a second small juvenile chimp.
18 ACP00027gw 0048_0 ACP00027gx 0048_15
We want to try to match the infant on the left. Good face view. Might it be Abile?
19 ACP00027h5 0054_15 ACP00027h6 0054_30
An adult chimp hides behind the tree. There is a brief part-face view in the second video.
20 ACP00027hj 0055_45
An infant next to the tree.
21 ACP00027fr 0057_45
Still the same long nutcracking scene. An infant with face view and an adult hiding behind the tree. 😉
22 ACP00027fh 0059_15 ACP00027fi 0059_30 ACP00027fj 0059_45
We are still in that long scene and a male infant jumps into the picture.
23 ACP00027ga 0064_30
The female with the big ventral infant is attributed to Alexis with Abile. A female(?) juvenile leaves to the left.
24 ACP00027re 0140_15 ACP00027rf 0140_30
CSFemale11 with infant, followed by a small juvenile. Probably only with family composition solvable.
25 ACP000280o 0049_0 ACP000280p 0049_15 ACP000280q 0049_30 ACP000280r 0049_45
An adult female with a ventral infant, a juvenile is associated on the right. She seems to be quite bald. Both ears are there, but not well enough seen for damages.
Another female with a dorsal infant enters from the left.
26 ACP000280s 0050_0
Another female with a dorsal infant. She is less balder and has prominent breasts.
27 ACP00027zw 0055_0 ACP00027zx 0055_15 ACP00027zy 0055_30 ACP00027zz 0055_45
A robust adult female with a small dorsal infant. Her swelling is not protruded. A juvenile is present and joins her later.
They are now sitting on the left and looking into the camera direction. The female is bald, the left ear is undamaged.
28 ACP00027zo 0056_0 ACP00027zp 0056_15 ACP00027zq 0056_30 ACP00027zr 0056_45
This is only 8 minutes later and likely the same family. Nothing obvious speaks against this, but we need to check.
29 ACP000280g 0057_0
An adult female with a small dorsal infant riding on her shoulders.
30 ACP00028qa 0158_0
A juvenile walking fast. The left ear might have a deformation.
by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to AnLand's comment.
thanks Anja! 😃