by PauDG scientist, moderator
Known Females
Anganeta, Alia and Amelia
ACP0003dwz / ACP0003dx0 / ACP0003dpy / ACP0003dq2 / ACP0003dq5 / ACP0003dq0 / ACP0003dq3 / ACP0003dq7 / ACP0003dpz / ACP0003dq4 / ACP0003dq8 / ACP0003dpx / ACP0003dq1 / ACP0003dq6 / ACP0003dq9
This is a trio family: Anganeta, the mother and her offspring, Alia (the bigger one) and Amelia (the youngest)
FEMALE/ ADULT / #Anganeta / Anganeta Tag Group
Ada and Ilo
Legs and lower part of the back whitish. She has a very young infant.MALE / INFANT / #ILO / ILO Tag Group
very young infant
Honey and Sugar
( =200x)
ACP0002wbi / ACP0002wbo / ACP0002wbj / ACP0002rr9 / ACP0002rrb / ACP0002rra
FEMALE / ADULT / #Honey / Honey Tag Group Black fur. Right ear of a regular shape, left ear with a long cut. Dark area on the right part of the face next to her nose
MALE / INFANT/ #Sugar/ Sugar Tag Group Very young infant
ACP0002uip ACP0002uiq | ACP0002v8i ACP0002v8j
FEMALE / ADULT / #Ohta / Ohta Tag Group
Young female with a damage in the left ear (in the lower part). Rounded brows, light face.
Hertha and Iras
ACP0003946 ACP0003947 | ACP0002xyc ACP0002xyd
FEMALE / ADULT / #Hertha / Hertha Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #Iras / Iras Tag Group
Female with infant and with two more juveniles (Egon and Sharay). The female is not well seen in the first videos but the match has been done based in the juveniles and the family structure.
by PauDG scientist, moderator
Prospective Females
RWFem04 & Lulu-Olga
FEMALE / ADULT/ #RWFem04 / RWFem04 Tag Group This female is quite dark with a grey beard and an older infant (Lulu-Olga / RWInf04)
FEMALE/ADULT/ #RWFem05 / RWFem05 Tag Group RWFem05 is quite black with a narrow mouth area
RWFem06 & RWInf06
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem06 / RWFem06 Tag Group RWFem06 has an large round area on the top of her head with very sparse hair and a very tiny infant RWInf06
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #RWInf06 / RWInf06 Tag Group
RWFem07 & RWInf07
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem07 / RWFem07 Tag Group
She looks a bit bold on top of her head (though the black and white video might change the appearance of the fur) with withish lower part of her back. She has a small kid with her.
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #RWInf07 / RWInf07 Tag Group
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem08 / RWFem08 Tag Group
Left ear with a big cut in (right ear of a regular shape). Big mouth, pronounced lower lip (is not sure if the infant in the video is her infant)
RWFem09 & RWInf09
Very dark face (her face looks like female 03, however she lacks the white fur on her legs and lower part of her back). Upper part of the right ear seems to be cut/folded, left ear not visible. She is carrying a very young infant (RWInf09).
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem09 / RWFem09 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #RWInf09 / RWInf09 Tag Group
RWFem10 & RWInf10
ACP0003gqx / ACP0003gqy / ACP0003gqz / ACP0003gr0
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem10 / RWFem10 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT / #RWInf10 / RWInf10 Tag Group
RWFem11 & RWInf11
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem11 / RWFem11 Tag Group
With a cut in the right ear.UNKNOWN / INFANT/ #RWInf11 / RWInf11 Tag Group
RWFem12 & RWInf12
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem12 / RWFem12 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT/ #RWInf12 / RWInf12 Tag Group
She is a robust female, her head is very broad and her brows curved. Her ears look ok. She was thought to be Honey, but she was finally excluded, as infants sex (Sugar is a male, and this one looks like a female) and female´s ears don´t fit.
RWFem12b & RWInf12b
FEMALE / ADULT / #RWFem12b / RWFem12b Tag Group
UNKNOWN / INFANT/ #RWInf12b / RWInf12b Tag Group
Excluded from the Honey and Sugar´s tag group. Ears are ok, her face looks a bit bony, brows thick and curved. Could she be RWFem12?
by PauDG scientist, moderator
Known Males
King / RWMale03 / RWMale04
ACP00038v4 / ACP00038v1 / ACP00038v7 / ACP00038vq / ACP00036t8 / ACP0003dtu / ACP00038w2 | ACP0003d6e ACP0003d6f
MALE / ADULT / #King / King Tag Group
Middle-up part of the right ear cut, the left ear is of a regular shape. Elongated dark face with protruded low lip
Former tag groups:
Zuri / RWMale06
ACP0002ux3 / ACP0002s53 / ACP0002s50 / ACP0002uay / ACP0002ub0
MALE / ADULT / #Zuri / Zuri Tag Group
Male with a very distinct cut on the left ear
Freddy / RWMale09 /RWMale10
ACP0003bi7 | ACP00036a8 | ACP0003bxq ACP0003bxr ACP0003bxs
MALE / ADULT / #Freddy / Freddy Tag Group
Big male without right ear (or part missing).
Former tag groups:
- RWMale09 / RWMale09 Tag Group
- RWMale10 / RWMale10 Tag Group
by PauDG scientist, moderator
Prospective Males
( =200x)MALE / ADULT / #RWMale01 / RWMale01 Tag Group
Big adult male. His lower back seems whiter than the rest of his back, however, Since the video is in black and white is hard to say wheter this is true or not. The shape of his face looks pretty roundish.
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale02 / RWMale02 Tag Group
regular face (left ear regular shape, the right one is not visible)
RWMale02a = RWMale02?
Similar to RWMale02, same body and head shape. Proposed as match with RWMale02.
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale02a / RWMale02a Tag Group
ACP00038mu / ACP00038my / ACP00038n1
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale05 / RWMale05 Tag Group
lower part of the back and legs very white! the right ear seems to be a little folded
RWMale05a = RWMale05?
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale05a / RWMale05a Tag Group
Male proposed as match with RWMale05.
ACP00038pf / ACP00038ph / ACP00038pj
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale07 / RWMale07 Tag Group
Dark body, dark face, both ears of regular shapes, large nostrils (seen in association with a very young infant).
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale08 / RWMale08 Tag Group
Big adult male with a thick grey beard
ACP0002t03 ACP0002t04 ACP0002t05
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale11 / RWMale11 Tag Group
Young male, wide nostrils, dark face and body. Ears look undamaged. We are discussing if he could be Zuri, RWMale02 or RWMale07.
MALE / ADULT / #RWMale11b / RWMale11b Tag Group
Chimp proposed a match with RWMale11.
by PauDG scientist, moderator
Known Juveniles
Amelia / RWJuvenile01
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Amelia / Amelia Tag Group On the right. Left and right ear of a regular shape. Pretty light face.
Alia / RWJuv02 / RWJuv07
FEMALE / JUVENILE / #Alia / Alia Tag Group The one cracking nuts. Regular shape of the ears, pronounced dip in the brow, protruding below lip
Lulu-Olga. (Match between Lulu and Olga)
ACP0002rph ACP0002rpi ACP0002rpj ACP0002rpk ACP0002rpd ACP0002rpe ACP0002rpf ACP0002rpg ACP0002rq9 ACP0002rqa ACP0002rqb ACP0002rqc ACP0002rqt ACP0002rqu ACP0002rqv ACP0002rqw ACP0002rqx ACP0002rqy ACP0002rqz ACP0002rr0 ACP0002rrh ACP0002rri ACP0002rrj | ACP0002v33 ACP0002v34 ACP0002v35 ACP0002v36 ACP0002v3b ACP0002v3c ACP0002v3d ACP0002v3e | ACP0002ucy ACP0002ucz ACP0002ud0 ACP0002ud1 | ACP00030wl ACP00030wm | ACP00036er ACP00036es ACP00036et | ACP0002wo9 ACP0002woa ACP0002wob ACP0002woc | ACP0002wpx ACP0002wpy ACP0002wpz
Match between Lulu and Olga. Olga was classified as female in the beginning and Lulu was not clear, but we realized later that actually Olga is a male, and a match with Lulu. That is the origin of this "weird" name.
Quite round, with dark shiners and with facial and sideburns hair bristling.
Large infant and not always right on or beside his mom, RWFem04.MALE / JUVENILE / #Lulu-Olga / Lulu-Olga Tag Group
Former tag group:
- MALE / JUVENILE / #Olga / Olga Tag Group
- UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Lulu / Lulu Tag Group
FEMALE / large-old JUVENILE / #Maya/ MayaTag Group
Large juvenile female with a heart-shaped left ear.
ACP0003946 ACP0003947 | ACP0002xyc ACP0002xyd
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #Egon / Egon Tag Group
straight browline and a very triangular muzzle. Seen with Sharay, Hertha and Iras.
ACP0003946 ACP0003947 | ACP0002xyc ACP0002xyd
FEMALE / JUVENILE / #Sharay / Sharay Tag Group
Seen with Egon, Hertha and Iras.
by PauDG scientist, moderator
Prospective Juveniles
Pretty elongated face, dark mask around his eyes, both ears of regular shape, pretty protruted eyebrow
MALE / JUVENILE / #RWJuv03 / RWJuv03Tag Group
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv04 / RWJuv04 Tag Group
Right ear of a regular shape. The face is a bit narrow
RWJuv04a = RWJuv04?
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv04a / RWJuv04a Tag Group
Proposed as match with RWJuv04, but we are not sure. The images from RWJuv04 are not 100 clear, so, difficult to find a match.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv05 / RWJuv05 Tag Group
RWJuv05 is an old juvenile who is quite black with a light face.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv08 / RWJuv08 Tag Group
Similar to RWJuv07 but smaller nostrils?
RWJuv08a = RWJuv08?
MALE / JUVENILE / #RWJuv08a / RWJuv08a Tag Group
Proposed as RWJuv8, but the right ear seems different.
FEMALE / JUVENILE / #RWJuv09 / RWJuv09 Tag Group
Female (you can see the small swelling when she moves away) juvenile. Very dark fur, left ear of regular shape (the right is not visible)
MALE / JUVENILE / #RWJuv10 / RWJuv10 Tag Group
Long dark hairs around the face. Pronounced eyebrows. Right ear (the only visible) of a regular shape.
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv11 / RWJuv11 Tag Group
Roundish eyebrows, gray face, right ear of a regular shape (the left one is not visible). Skinny body
FEMALE / JUVENILE / #RWJuv12 / RWJuv12 Tag Group
She is a female (you can see the swelling) juvenile. The muzzle and the eyebrows are pretty pinkish. Both ears of a regular shape
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv13 / RWJuv13 Tag Group
Light face, pronounced eyebrows, small ears
ACP0002wnz / ACP0002wo0 / ACP0002wof
Juvenile, dark face
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv14 / RWJuv14 Tag Group
ACP0002uda / ACP0002udc / ACP0002udd / ACP0002ude / ACP0002udf / ACP0002udg
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv15 / RWJuv15 Tag Group
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv16 / RWJuv16 Tag Group
UNKNOWN JUVENILE / #RWJuv17 / RWJuv17 Tag Group
Juvenile seen with RWFem08. Has a notch on the right ear.
RWJuv18= Olga?
UNKNOWN / JUVENILE / #RWJuv18/ RWJuv18 Tag Group
Juvenile proposed as match with Olga, but was discarded because the time stamp of those videos match with other videos of Olga in other place.
Seems to have a notch on the right ear.Posted
by PauDG scientist, moderator
Other notable individuals, hopefully we can match them later:
she is carrying an infant and followed by 2 juveniles, found by starrypawz
The female and infant at the end of this clip: (with RWFem05 and RWJuv05)
The female and infant at the end of this clip: (with RWMale03)
The female with swelling: (the swelling does not match the female that arrives 15 minutes later here
This female looks like female 03 (however, sunshine on the screen):
- two adult males, found by lauraklynn
he/she has regular ears shape, dark mask around the eyes, pretty roundish face, found by lauraklynn
he/she has regular left ear (the right is not visible), does it matches juvenile 01?, found by lauraklynn
juvenile found by jwmaritime
juvenile found by Tykelass
juvenile found by Aqua_Fairy
very old juvenile (probably already adult of unknown sex) found by DataDroid
juvenile (bright video)