Chimp & See Talk

"Old" Sites

  • zoogirl1 by zoogirl1

    I have noticed a lot of comments concerning what I thought were finished sites. Very recently comments on Dry Lake for instance. I guess I don't understand what "finished"means. I thought it was when all the videos had been looked at and classified. Should we be looking at those clips as well? Not just for chimps?


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @zoogirl1,

    sorry for the confusion: finished means that all videos have been classified. That means you will not encounter any video from this site at the annotation interface.

    But if there is an interest in these videos - chimps or not - somebody might still tag them or collect them. E.g., for DryLake: @akalan is interested in the camera reactions of baboons (and chimps, elephants, and gorillas). For this, she needs to know not only that a primate is in this video, but that it is actually a baboon (and not a green monkey). You cannot see this just from the classification data, so it needs to be tagged. We recently updated the primate lists and I am just going through the untagged ones and tag the species. You can always do this as well - with all species you or someone else have an interest in.

    I hope that at least partly answers your question?


  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    Thanks for the great answer @AnLand

    A small addition - we are also happy to look at any new chimp matches anyone might propose from old sites as well 😃


  • zoogirl1 by zoogirl1

    Yes thanks
