Chimp & See Talk

Matching suggestion: MF7Juv19 and MF7Juv21

  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Pro: quite big ears, somehow they look higher on the head (or it is just their angle), white spot on head (at MF7Juv19 best seen here: ACP0004tjc), brows. Contra: not sure about the nostrils: seem to be wider in MF7Juv19 - but maybe it's just the light. Female?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    ok, added.


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    To far away for matching, but for notekeeping I want to post it here: ACP0004hio (only the dark face mask recognizable, maybe). Don't know how common it is in older juveniles.

    enter image description here


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    yes, it´s too far away for matching...

    Chimpanzees faces vary in color as they grow...they are born with pale faces which darken with age, starting with a dark mask.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    I agree that MF7Juv19 and MF7Juv21 are a good match. Those ears are huge! The browline and face colours are also really nicely matched. Same primary hand, too, though that's definitely not confirmation by itself!


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    I agree too...although Juv21 has a small round bald on its head, which I can´t see in Juv19:


    but maybe we don´t get the right angle in Juv19 to see that bald?


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    But I can see the white spot even in your picture and it appears to me that it is the same as in MF7Juv21. It is still better seen in the video.

    enter image description here


    enter image description here



  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    you are right @AnLand, now I see the spot

    (sometimes you need a rest to see things clear 😉 )

    @Quia would you like to give us a name?


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    It's a female, right? Rear view, ACP0004tjb, which I think shows 'she' is still not sexually mature because it's larger, but white? In any case, I don't see any testicles.

    I'm honestly surprised we don't have a Jane yet.


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator

    we MUST have a JANE!!!!!

    Thanks @Quia 😉


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    I know, this site is not open for matching suggestions, but I have been looking for something and see similarities between Jane and MF7Juv29. The white spot on her head is barely seen. Best at 4 sec. in ACP0004egy. But the all have a sloping left eyebrow (or a small scar?), a darker eye mask and lighter muzzle. The left ear looks a bit boxy. General body build (age) seems to fit. ACP0004egy and ACP0004egz

    I would also like to know what kind of vocalization the juvenile does towards(?) the female in ACP0004egy

    Sloping left eyebrow

    enter image description here

    "Boxy" (rectangular) left ear

    enter image description here

    For comparison: Jane from ACP0004tjb

    enter image description here


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Hope we can save this too though we are not doing MF7 right now - this looks to be a match to me also.

    Underbite - Lower jaws stick out on both, lots of upper eyelid seen giving a "sleepy" appearance, brows very curved, left with a nick, the body of the antihelix ridge in the ear is very prominant & catches the light in both clips, they both still have large white tail tufts.


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator


    all traits fit, thanks!!
