Chimp & See Talk

New site started! Please read it ;)

  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Hi everyone,

    The new site 8 - Crimson Dew has started!

    As you know already, at first we will try to find good images of the chimps and we will assign them temporary names (as CDFemale01, CDFemale02, CDJuvenile01...)
    Then, if we are absolutely sure that two of them are the same, we will do the match and we will choose a name for this identified chimp.

    Sometimes is very difficult to be sure about a match but don't feel frustrated if we don't identify all the chimps. Sometimes is just impossible because they are very far, or they pass quickly or the video quality is not the best...

    Just let's do our best and have fun!!

    Thanks a lot Chimp&See citizens!


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @PauDG,

    you want us to add to the spreadsheet? Will you keep your own notes as in RW6? Then best make it clear with separate columns. Just let us know how you prefer it. Thanks!


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Hi AnLand,
    I would like to keep one column with teh science team comments, just to be sure that we have checked all the videos.
    Is everyone agree with this? Can we keep one column for your comments and other for the science team comments?


  • PauDG by PauDG scientist, moderator

    Hi all!
    is everyone agree if we keep one column for your comments and other for the science team comments?


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Whoops, I'm sorry I posted 'Dodge' in the 'H' column, I didn't realize it was scientists only. I understand now. 😉


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator in response to PauDG's comment.

    Hi @PauDG,

    I was critized by @Snorticus about answering his question, but not your's. 😉 I am fine with keeping a separate space for the scientists. Management as in Red Water 6. I can deal with it. 😃


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to AnLand's comment.

    Oh dear, I didn't mean to criticize at all, @AnLand 😕 I'm new to this and don't always understand how people are doing things or what their comments really mean. I just saw that @PauDG addressed this to you but it later occurred to me that he was probably tactfully pointing out that the column in which I had entered the chimp's name, Dodge, was for scientists to use only and I shouldn't have done that. (it doesn't really matter, but Snorticus is just my silly name for me - a female)


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    It was just a joke, don't worry!!! (And it is: she.) I ask about the science column as we had it in Red Water 6 were @PauDG was also the responsible scientist and there is now a separate space in the spreadsheet, so I did not care to answer. My mistake. Have fun! Crimson Dew seems to be exciting with dark sites (I hope, I am wrong with that).


  • Snorticus by Snorticus in response to AnLand's comment.

    So much to learn 😉
    I agree that it is unsettling to see what appear to be more than one damaged chimp so far in Crimson Dew.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Just popping in to say I'm super happy to see everyone enjoying Crimson Dew 8!

    I'm just so overwhelmingly pleased with how well this project has gone, and how invested you all are. It was fun to build and hand over, and you are all doing an amazing job carrying it.

    Thank you all so much for all you do!!


  • drobinso by drobinso

    How is everyone getting to Crimson Dew 8. i will continue viewing Muddy Frost since that's all I seem to get, but I would like to visit Crimson Dew once or twice!


  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi @drobinso,

    you have here the locations and video starts and end: You just go there in the talk page and take a look. It does not really help with classifying, but with a repeat rate of well over 50% for the MF7 videos, I can understand the desite to watch something else. 😃


  • drobinso by drobinso

    Thanks! I'll stick with MF7 for the most part, but every once in a while I want to peek into CD8! I'm afraid you'll have all the chimps named before I even get to see them!


  • ksigler by ksigler moderator in response to drobinso's comment.

    I can empathize, @drobinso! I've gotten only a handful of Crimson Dew clips to classify. About 95% of the time, I still get Muddy Frost. I don't know how it's determined who gets what, beyond (usually) minimizing repeat clips for the same person. But, as I understand it, if there are clips where there is a lot of disagreement as to what is being seen, those clips get thrown back in the pile to be classified again until there's enough agreement or it reaches 15 classifications. (This is assuming the system is working as it's supposed to.) So, while it may seem like a chore classifying the "old site," it needs to be done in order to provide complete and accurate data to the researchers, and to actually "get through" the site. Also keep in mind that, as @AnLand stated, when people jump to clips using the clip ID, it doesn't count toward classification. So we may encounter a similar situation with Crimson Dew later, as well. Depends on how easy the clips are to classify, which I wouldn't know yet! 😃


  • drobinso by drobinso

    @ksigler Thanks for the explanation! I've been classifying away on MF7 tonight!
