Chimp & See Talk

New paper; The socio-economic drivers of bushmeat consumption during the West African Ebola crisis

  • MimiA by MimiA scientist, moderator

    My collaborators and I have a new paper out today on "The socio-economic drivers of bushmeat consumption during the West African Ebola crisis" - Although not chimp science per se, it was a natural extension of our work in Liberia. Once ebola started ravaging the country, bushmeat hunting seemed to decline across Africa and bushmeat market activity appeared to changed from what our colleagues in the field were observing. We were very lucky to have established a good network of Liberian colleagues during our PanAf work who agreed to go to villages that had been victim (and cleared) of ebola so that we could try to understand the dynamics of what was happening.

    Press release here:

    Paper here:
