Chimp & See Talk

Older lone juvenile

  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Proposing a match between DL11Juv23 and DL11Juv12. Juveniles are hard to match as they're so similar but here is what I think:

    ACP000732a DL11Juv23 Poor quality clip but s/he has pale slightly curved brows, dark eye mask that curves down around the round protruding pale muzzle, small knob of a nose with nostrils that angle up, pale large round ears that sit somewhat far back on the head, a pointed triangular tail tuft, fluffy side burns, slim legs, rounded belly with dark black fur.



    ACP0006vao DL11Juv12 Is much better seen but I think s/he has similar features to those that I listed above for DLJuv23.



  • AnLand by AnLand moderator

    Hi, this is not easy and I am still not sure, what I am thinking. I just want to say that I noted for Juv12 as one trait the more even, lighter face coloration - in contrast to other juveniles here like Juv2 or Piki that have this dark eye mask. I am not sure whether I see this with Juv23 as s/he looks down and there is a shadow on the face. But it does not look that dark, I agree.

    Juv12 looks a bit bigger, but here the camera angle might be responsible as Juv23 is directly under it. I will think about it.


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    Hmmm...not bad πŸ˜•

    one one

    I agree with @AnLand about the size, but I guess too that itΒ΄s an angle issue. Face pigmentation looks similar too. Their left inner arm hair direcrtion would fit too (althought this is usually no conclusive trait for my taste).

    I think we should be devoting some time to these two guys πŸ˜ƒ


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    All I want for Christmas is some higher-def chimp clips. 😦 The brow on Juv23 I think, (though I had attributed it to low def. pixel issues and camera angle) doesn't match the dip in the middle that is seen on Juv12, sigh...


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

    really? look at the sec.6 in Juv23 video...I get no nice shots of it, but I think there is a dip too πŸ˜•

    All I want for Christmas is a match!! πŸ˜„


  • Snorticus by Snorticus

    Lol, NuriaM!


  • NuriaM by NuriaM scientist, moderator in response to Snorticus's comment.

